24 bo obtained from the top of the dome (admission see newspaper). In front of the church there are the statues of Grundtvig and Ansgar. In close vicinity to the Marmorkirke (marbleehurch) stands the Mo l t ke s Palse (palace) in Bredgade at the corner of Dronningens Tvocrgade (PI. a. F. 11) a fine, decorative building. The Mo l t k e s P i c t u r e Ga ll e ry is worth seeing- (admission see newspapers). The entrance is round the corner in Dronnin­ gens Tv;ergade No. 2. The collection contains, nearly exclusively, paintings by Dutch and German masters of the 17th century. (Names on pictures). Deserving of special attention are: Ruben „Dominican Friar” , v. Dyck ,,Study” , Rembrandt „01d Woman” , Nic. Poussins „Eudamidas’ Testament” . Opposite the Moltkes Palse in a slanting direction stands an elegant old palace in rococco-style » S c h i mme l - ma n s Palse« in grand retirement and separated from the street by an artistically made ironfence. To this hangs a curious old tale. Count Schimmelmann, who resided here, had for some reason got into disgrace with a foreign monarch, who demanded his imprisonment. The Danish King, who highly appreciated Schimmelmann, got out of the dilemma by causing the iron fence to be placed in front of the palace and informing the angry monarch of Schimmelmann’s being in Irons. Schimmelmanns Paloe has been rearranged and partly, rebuilt and is now called the Konc e r t pa l r e . Returning by Bredgade past the Frederik’s Church you come to the A l e x a n d e r News k y Chu r c h (PI. E. 11.12) with its three pear-shaped golden-red domes (admission see newspapers). The Czar Alexander III caused this splen­ did church to be built and on the 6. Sept. 1883 its bells tolled for the first time. Since then they have often tolled, also on the occasion of the deathmass for the august builder. At the corner of Fredericiagade stands a red building, erected in 1701 intended for an operahouse, later used for a military and naval academy and now used by the parliament when in session. To the right in the same street stands the Ch i r u r g i s k A c a d e m i (Surgeons’ hall) with an anthropological museum (No. 62) (admission see

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