17 The beautiful Netherlands Renaissance Facade presents a number of interesting items, and especially the two gable ends are deserving of attention. The exchange was erected 1622— 1624 by Christian IV, who more than anybody else has contributed to the embellishment of Copenhagen. In 1855 the exchange was transferred to the chamber of com merce of the city. B orssalen (the exchange-hall) has been restored and orna mented with a bronzed zinc casting by Thorvaldsen representing „Christian IV invites a visit1. In the building are numerous of fices, telegraph station etc. Opposite the exchange stands the Mi n i s t e r i a l bu i l d i n g s which were erected during the reign of F r e d e r i k IV. Some of the responsible ministers of the King have their offices in these buildings. The F o r e i g n O f f i c e is in one of the palaces of Amalienborg. To the right of the Facade of these buildings is a lofty gate called Zahl k a mme r p o r t e n (PI. d. H. 10) which forms the entrance of one of the side courts of Christians- borg which is called the Z a h l k a mme r court . Further on at the opposite end of this court a second gateway leads to a narrow passage, where the great Royal library is situated. (PI. f. H. 10) (see newspapers). The library was founded by Frederik III and com prises about 560,000 volumes of which 20,000 manu scripts. Anybody can borrow books from this library, provided a householder is willing to stand security. At another corner a gateway (PI. e. H. 10) leads into the premises of the arsenal. To the left is the old store house where Griffenfeldt was imprisoned until he was re moved to the citadel. The barge which took him there is believed to have landed somewhere in an old basin, which in those days occupied the present courtyard, and was used by Christian IV as a harbour for ships, that had to be secretly rigged and fitted out. From here a gateway leads to the right to the arsenal (admission see newspapers). Its considerable collection of arms comprises among other things a number of conquered standards and trophies. 2
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