The flsh-market on Garmhel Strand.

city, the C liristiansborg P a­ lace Chapel, Thorvaldsens Mu­ seum, the old Hiding-school, the Marble-Bridge and the fi­ ne old lombardhouse. And the sale is ju s t as lively, not least because the fisli-women, sittin g here, coming from Skovshoved and other neigh­ bouring fishing -villages along tho coast are known for their temper and sm art tongue.

ter 7y , , b u t during the whole year it is closed at 9, which may be called unusually short hours for a market. Any pro­ ducer of vegetables may rent a stand h e re; there are about a thousand such stands and dealers from all northern Sea- land meet here with their flo­ wers and vegetables; the sale is not alone to the greengro­ cers in the city, b u t everybo­ dy may buy a t this market. Almost everything on the m arket is Danish produce, but a small space is set ap art for foreign goods. A municipal inspector is employed a t the m arket, keeping order and controlling w ith some func­ tionaries the goods, of which yearly statistics are made and sent to the magistracy. Du­ ring the war the sale on this

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