The greenm arket of Copenhagen.

— very often wrongly called Amagertorw, lends a charm to the whole promenade through the inner town. It lids existed for about 150 years and would be highly missed, if it ever would be abolished. The women from Amager are more gentle than the fish-women and are conside­ red friends by the populace.

m arket amounted to 36 mil­ lion K roner a year, now it averages 27—28 millions. When the green-market clo­ ses a t 9, the fine little flower- m arket on Hojbroplads be­ gins. Here the women from Ama'ger sell their beautiful goods till 3 o’cl., a t which time all trade ceases on the markets in Copenhagen. This flower-market on Hojbroplads

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