British soldiers graves at Vestre Kirkegaard — Western Cemetery.

of the cemetery. On this map the most known graves are indicated. The cemetery originally was divided according to the pa­ rishes of the city But this was abolished, when it was taken over by the m unicipality in 1880. A Russian and Roman- catholic division, in the mean­ time, are still kept up. In the catholic division were buried 25 young French soldiers, who on their way home after the world-war succumbed to their sufferings from their im pri­ sonment. Now they rest in a foreign country, b u t among friends. On each single grave is a marble-tablet with an in­ scription. Among the many wellknown men resting in the Assistens K irkegaard, we mention the

famous author of fairy-tales H. C. Andersen, the physicist II. C. Orsted and the composer Kuhlau. Vestre Kirkegaard was in au- gurated on November 2d 1870. I t is the largest cemetery of the city. The area of this ceme­ tery now amounts to about 132 acres. D uring the first ten years of the cemeterys existence the connection w ith the city was very poor, for which reason only funerals on the paupers side took place. Now this ce­ metery is the most beautiful in the city, an extensive p ark with an abundance of fine and rare trees. The total lenght of the broad road amounts to more than 14,5 Danish miles or more than 109 Kilometres. Of the three chapels, the Nor- dre Kapel (norlhcrn) is the

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