largest, b u ilt in the beginning of the eighties by the archi­ tect IT. I. Holm. Among the known persons buried here are the famous Doctor Niels R. Finsen (Lupus), the yeast- physiologist Emil Chr. Han­ sen, the bishop Meat-liardam and a great number of others. One of the most peculiar monuments is made by the a rtis t I. F. Willumsen for the grave of his parents. A large monument (architect Lon- borg) has been erected over a score of B ritish soldiers, who died in Denmark on their way home from foreign p ri­ soners camps. I t was unvei­ led with great solemnity and sympathy on the p a rt of the population on August 21. 1920. To the Vestre K irkegaard

belongs' further the Roman- catholic cemetery. Here rest under a stylish monument (professor Ivai Gottlob) 5 Bel­ gian soldiers, who died on their way home from their prison camps. A fine monument in old-christian style has been erected on the family vault of the director Ilelge Jacob­ sen. A catholic bishop, van Eucli, has been buried in this cemetery. On a grave, in which rest 13 Italian soldiers, who like the soldiers, mentioned abo­ ve, succumbed from their suf­ ferings in the prison camps on their way home through Copenhagen, Danish artists, scientists and other friends of Italy have erected a stately monument, made from marble and sand-stone after the de-

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