golaiul, the adm iral Sucnson , the adm iral Steen-Andersen- Iiille, known for his cruise around the earth, the pain­ ter, professor Carl lllocli, the archaeologist Worsaae, the composers II. C. Lnmbye, Emil Hartmann, Peter Ileise and many others. Garnisons Kirkegaard, or the soldiers cemetery, was laid out during the years af­ ter the siege of Copenhagen, but it was only after the pla­ gue in 1711 it was being re­ gularly used. In 1723 the pre­ sent name is used. A big part of this cemetery was occu­ pied un til 1885 by the graves of fallen soldiers. They were then buried in a big common grave over which is made a stone-hill. In front of the gra-

soldiers an jews. The oldest of the »outside« bemetries, therefore are the soldiers and the Mosaic ceme­ teries, the last one in Mollega- de. The oldest of the present cemeteries is the Ilolmens Kirkegaard or the Navys ce­ metery, which was inaugura­ ted on A ugust 10th 1660. In its middle is the big common grave of the dead in the b a tt­ le on the roods April 2d 1801. A hill with trees covers the grave. In a semi-circle are placed stones for the officers and on the top of the hill an obelisk made from Norwegian marble by the sculptor J o ­ hannes Wiedewelt. Among the many naval of­ ficers and persons buried in this cemetery may be men-

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