T h e C em e ter ie s.

Skule Thorlacius and the col­ lector of customs A. C. L in­ de, on whose stone is the in ­ scription : »To me were con­ fided, w ithout giving security, the money of the K ing and the Country during 43 years and I left neither means nor debt. Anno 17(>2.« A t llolmens Kirke are me­ morial stones of the adm iral H. C. Sneedorff, the Lord- chamberlain A. W. Hauch and Admiral W interfeldt. A t Oarnisons Kirke the composer I. P. E. H artm ann by special permission was buried in 1900 next to the grave of his wife, dead many years before. A t Reformert Kirke in Go- thersgade a monument has been erected for the comman­ der of the battle a t the roads of Copenhagen on April 2d 1801, the adm iral Olfert F i­ scher. A big, flat stone covers the grave of the French poet, professor in the university of Copenhagen, Etienne Fum ars (died 180(5). A t the churches on C hrk stianshavn interm ents were forbidden on A ugust 1st 1853 during the big epidemic of cholera. In olden times it was con­ sidered a shame to be buried outside the gates of the city. This only happened to the

From May 1st 1851 all in­ terments were forbidden in the churchyards of the inner c ity ; but still remnants of these old gardens, as they were called, may be seen at several of the large churches of Copenhagen. The most inte­ resting is the garden at the Church of Set. P etri (map 1) towards Larslejstrsede. This old churchyard in its retirement w ith elder, thorn and roses grow ing wild and luxu­ riant, almost covering the moss-grown monuments and not overrun by human beings reminds about an old monas­ tery garden and its wonderful quiet. Some of the g ra ­ ves have tine monuments as f. i. the graves of the bishop Fr. Miinter and his sister, the Danish-German authoress Fre- derikke B run, w ith portrait- medalions by II. E Freund. A t the Churchyard of Tri- nitatis Kirlcc is still seen the stone on the grave of the poet Johannes Ewald and others. Next to this the society of Wessels Minde (in memory of Wessel) has put up a me­ morial stone for the poet J o ­ han Herman Wessel _ A t Ilelligaands Kirken (Church of the Holy Ghost) the »Socrates of Denmark« rests, thi philosopher Borge lliisbrigli, the archaeologist

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