The Chapel of Christian IV in R oskilde Cathedral.

by the Dutch a rtist Cert van Egen. On the north-side of the cathedral is the chapel of C hristian IV , the largest, and especially noted for its grand and artistic way of embellish­ ment. The chapel is separated from the church by a magni­ ficent fence of w rought iron. Two enormous paintings by Marstrand, representing Chris­ tian IV as a judge and in the sea-battle of Kolberger- Heide are adorning this chapel. In the liigh-chancel, the finest place of the cathedral, are pla­ ced the splendid marble sa r­ cophagus of Christian V and Frederik IV and their queens. In the chapel of Frederik IV and Christian V (archi­ tect Ilarsdorfif) are resting the last of the Oldenborg

and civil persons. The oldest monument has been erected to Queen Margretlie, whose sa r­ cophagus stands behind the a lta r and is a work of art, unique in the North. On the big black marble coffin is res­ ting the statue of the queen made from alabaster. The si­ des are richly ornamented with saints and relief-groups from motives of the!Scriptures. The most beautiful monu­ ment of the cathedral is the luxurious monument from marble and alabaster, erected by Frederik II to his father Christian III, executed by the Dutch a rtist Cornelius Floris de Vriendt. The K ing is res­ ting is his armour, with the hands folded on his breast. In tbe same chapel is a monu­ ment to Frederik II executed

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