The Chancel in R oskilde Cathedral.

lies. The altar is made from Norwegian m arble; above the alta r is the pulp it and above this the organ. Underneath the floor are 36 chapels w ith tine fences of w rought iron. The entrance-gate to the place in front of the church is flanked by two beautiful pavilions (by E igtved), the one of which is used as a dwelling for officials and the other as q meeting-hall for the parishioners. The place in front of the church is kept as a protected p a rt of the old church-yard, which was abo­ lished in 1853. Admission by application to the sexton, li­ ving by the church. Roskilde Cathedral is situ ated in the town of Roskilde,

1 hour by train from Copen­ hagen (see Environs). Toge­ ther with the ticket of ad­ mission to the church is deli­ vered a guide, w ritten by the professor I. Kornerup, giving all informan'ce possible. For this reason we shall here gi­ ve only a brief report of the church and its sights. Since the reformation the church has been a parish church for Roskilde. During the catholic period already it began to be of some importance as the place, where the Danish K ings were buried, thereby being a great national-historical mo­ nument like St. Dennis and W estm inster. One chapel after another has been erected and at present nearly a 100 royal persons have been buried he­ re, besides a number of noble

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