The R oskilde Cathedral.

the outside of the church is set in the wall a monument to the m issionary Hans Egcdc and wife, who in 1721 went to Greenland to preach the Chris­ tian faith to the Esquimaux. The church-building a t pre­ sent is used as a meeting- hall and a public library (see chapter 7). Christians church (route 0) on Strandgade, Christians- liavn, is built 1755—59 by N. Eigtved as a church for the garrison, bu t is now a regular parish-church. The to­ wer with its spire, 70 metres, is b uilt in 17G9 by G. D. An- : tlion. The church is built in : the baroque style. The interior j is a square room and is kept j in its original form with clo- : ced gallery pews in three sto- \

lo rs : Set. Nicolaj. I t is not known, how it was bu ilt ori- : ginally. In 1529 Hans Tav- j sen was the m inister of the j church. A t the fire in Copen- I hagen 1795 the church was I laid is ashes, not to be re- : built as a church anymore. • Nicolaj church therefore, • excepting the tower, is a mo- • dern building. The beautiful : spire with the gilt globes Was | p u t up in 1909 as a gift • to the city from the bre- • wer Carl Jacobsen. I t was de- • signed by the professor im - • berg, as well as the church- : building, which was erected : some years later, donated by j the secretary of feudal af- : fairs Rcntzmann. As far as : ])ossible, the church is rebuilt : in the shape from 1795. j In the northern corner on

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