Set. Ansgar church.

\ - two side-walls are 14 poly­ chrome terra cotta reliefs, re­ presenting the history of the passion of Christ. Besides so­ me old relics are to be seen. Admission all day. Frederiksberg church (route 7) on the Frederiksberg Roundel is built in 1734. I t has a fine old alta r with a painting by Eckersberg, re­ presenting the Lords supper. On the sides of the alta r are four other paintings, repre­ senting the birth, the escape, the baptism and the entomb­ ment of Christ. Admission daily 8%—3. The Methodist church (route 2) is situated in the Ny- boder quarter, b uilt in 18GG, but b u rn t in 1914. I t was then rebuilt in 1914—16.

especially full of flue motives. Admission daily 8—2. St. Ansgar church (route 2) in Bredgade, towards which is only seen the gable-front, is finely b u ilt into the row of the houses with two projec­ ting door-pavilions, connected with an iron-fence in front of the main-gateway, above which are 5 niches with full- size figures. The cliftreli is bu ilt in 1842 by O. F. llctsch after royal permission, but w ithout church-bells, tower or w in­ dows towards the street. The interior is finely orna­ mented w ith fresco-paintings, glass-paintings in the w in­ dows and a beautiful decora­ ted m ain-altar with two smal­ ler altars on the sides. On the

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