Vor Frelsers Kirko (The church of Our Saviour).

te 6) is situated in Prinsesse- gade and is the largest and most beautiful church of C liristianshavn; the characte­ ristic spire (93 metres) is to be seen from far away and is, excepting the tower of the Town-Hall, the highest tower in the North. The church is built in the form of a cross, 56 m. wide after the design of Lambert v. Haven, 1682—96, the spire, though not before 1747—52, designed by L. Turah, who got the idea of the spiral from the church of Sapienza in Rome. The very beautiful alta r is executed by several artists af­ ter the model made by the Swedish architect Nicodcmus Tessin Junior. The font is a gift from the secret wife

famous men are b u rie d ; f. i. Niels Juel w ith wife and two children in a vault w ith an iron fence, and Tordenskjold in a sarcophagus of black marble. Underneath the chapel are several tombs in the burial vaults. To the chapel are en­ trances from the chancel and from the church-yard. In the line plantation around the church is erected a bust of the bishdp Fog and behind the w rought iron fence towards Holmens Kanal is a bronce- statue of Tordenskjold (Bis­ son). Admission June, Ju ly , A ugust every Saturday 1—2. During the other months the first S aturday of every month 1 — 2 . Vor Frelsers Kirke (The Church of Our Saviour) (rou­

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