Ilolm ens Kirke (The Navy eliurch).

C hristian IV made the buil- j dings into a church for the j navy. L ater it was enlarged, j This church fortunately avoi- j ded t lie big fires, by which j Copenhagen has been devasta- j ted, and therefore has kept its ; old inventory. The interior for j this reason is well worth see- : ing. The magnificent altar, the ; beautiful pulpit, the splendid : gold- and silver embroidered j altar-cloth and the beautiful j paintings by A. Dorph, f. i. j »Jesus blessing the cliil- \ drena, at the font, and »T1ie j Crucifiedd (in the confessio- j nal) are works of a rt of high : rank. In the large m ortuary cha- j pel, the walls of which on a j foundation of big granite sto- : nes rise from the water in j the Slotsholms canal, several j

Carl Jacobsen and the coun- cellor of tlie state G. Bcstle. The altar-vessel is donated in 1654 by the mayor Hans Hansen. B uilt together w ith the church, towards Walken- dorfsgade, is the Helligaands- huset (the house of the Holy Ghost), an old monastic buil­ ding, restored by the archi­ tect, professor Starch, and now used for meetings and as a public library. Admis­ sion by application to the sexton. Holmens Kirke (The Navy Church) (route 4) is situ a­ ted a t Holmens Kanal, right opposite the Exchange. The Church' (Bremerholms church) originally was two buildings, built together, the one an an­ chor-forge, the other the m int and the nautical academy.

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