The H. C. 0rsted m onum ent in the Orstedspark. person is th a t of Adam Och- lenschldger. Originally it was erected in 1801 on St. Anna) square, bu t in 1874 it was moved to its present place in front of the royal theatre and already the next year got a pendant, the Holderg statue' (Oehlenschliiger by H. V. Bissen, Ilolberg by Th. Stein). The active and building K ing, Christian IV only got his monument in 1900, when a statu e by Villi. Bissen was erected in Nybodcr. On the beautiful promenade of Langelinie are erected a number of monuments and sculptures, of which we men­ tion the follow ing: The mo­ numents to the popular, French born princess Marie (by Carl M artin Hansen),

The little lioru-blovver on Vester Boulevard. the Ilu itfeld t column erec­ ted in memory of the na­ val hero and his men, who were blown up with the fre- gate »Dnnnebrog« in Kjoge Bay in 1710 (the monument was unveiled in 1886, the co­ lumn after the design of the architect Dahlernp, the fi­ gure, turned towards the K jo­ ge Bay, by F. E. R ing; the old naval guns around the foot have been taken up from the wreck of »Dannebrog«). A t the yacht-harbour a number of modern sculptures have been placed, as f. i. »the svimmer« by the Swedish sculptor Johan Borjeson. On the other side of the harbour will be noticed the big stone monument to Mylius Erich- sen, Bronlund and Hoeg-IIa-

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