Part of Blaagaaril square w ith the sculptures of Kai N ielsen.

on Vester Boulevard. The mo­ nument is by the sculptor Pedersen-Dan. One of the largest monu­ ments is the Finsen-monu- inent, »Mod Lyset«, (towards the light) erected on Bleg- dnmsvej a t the south-corner of the park of the commons.. The group is modelled by the sculptor Rudolp Tegner. A portrait-statue of the famous physician, is made by Viggo> J a rl and placed a t the Finsen- In stitu te in Bosenvamget in 1912. Among other p o rtrait-sta­ tues may be mentioned the following: The naval hero Niels Juel (V. Stein) on Hol- mens Kanal, unveiled in 1881, the composers Niels IF. Oade and I. P. E. Hartmann on Set. Anine square.

gen, who, in 1907, perished in the inland ice of Green­ land. (The sculpture on the stone is done by the sculptor Kai Nielsen and the inscrip­ tion by the architect Kaare K lin t). Opposite Langelinie, on one of the bastions of the Citadel, stands the monument to the battle on the roads the 2d of April 1801 (made after the design of the architect Thor- vald Bindesboll, unveiled on April 2d 1902. Below the wall, by the beautiful promenade of Smedelinien, has been erected a monument to the Scandina­ vian volunteers in the two Slesvig wars, by Bundgaard (unveiled on Ju ly Gth 1920). Another monument, comme­ morative of the war, is the group, »the little horn-blower«

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