The m onum ent to Ivar H uitfeldt on Langelinie. the bishop Absalon , by Villi. Bisson. The foot is designed by the architect M artin Ny- rop, bu ilt from handmade bricks (see page 95), the sculptor II. V. Bissen (by Villi. Bissen), and the pain­ ter Villi. Marstrand (by the Finnish sculptor W alter Ru- neberg) in front of the art- museum, the director of poli­ ce Olet Renter, who found the velocity of the light (by L. B randstrup) a t the poly­ technic academy. In the yard of the academy are statues of II. G. Orsted (H. Bissen) and the chemist Jul. Thomsen (by Saabye). A great number of sculp­ tures are placed on Dantes Square in front of the glyp- totliek. A very fine centre .is

Dante-colum n on Dantes Square. formed by the Dante-column. The column itself is a Roman column, donated by the city of Rome. To this belongs a portrait-relief, a g ift from the city of Florence. On top of the column is the statue of a woman, the muse of poe­ try, by the professor E. U t­ zon Frank. The foundation sto­ ne of this monument was laid in 1922 by the K ing of Italy, Victor Emanuel. On the Dantes square fu r­ ther are statues of the artists A sinus Jacob Garstens (by Tli. Stein) and the archaeolo­ gist Georg Zoega (by L. B ran d stru p ). Among the fountains in the city, the most prom inent are the Gcfion-fountain a t the en­ trance of Langelinie, donated

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