Equestrian statue of King Frederik V on Am uiienborg Square. Monuments.

Copenhagen is abounding in public monuments, fountains and statues. During the later years, especially on account of the generosity of the bre­ wer Carl Jacobsen, the num ­ ber of statues in the city has increased so, th a t there now is about 300 public monu­ ments, all of which, of course, are not equally beautiful. The first public monuments erec­ ted in Copenhagen, were mo­ numents to the kings. The equestian statue of Christian V, »Hesten« (the horse) on KongensNytorv, by the French sculptor l’Amoureux, made from lead, was erected while the king was still alive. The next too was a work by a

French artist, the monumen­ tal statue of Frederik V on Amalienborg Square, by Saly, erected by the Asiatic Com­ pany. I t was unveiled in 1771 and at th a t time had cost the company about 550,000 Bigs- daler. But being the most expensive, it is the most beautiful monument of the city. The third equestrian statue, II. V. Bissens Frede­ rik V II, the donor of the Constitution, came more than hundred years later and was unveiled in 1874 in front of Christiansborg palace. F inally the counceller of conferen­ ce Hcide in 1902 donated to the city the equestrian statue of the founder of the city,

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