II landed a t Hvidore. In 1561 the property came under Co­ penhagen and the buildings were torn down. Now Hvidore is the name of the villa on the same site, whose garden reaches down to the shore near Klampenborg (see E nvi­ rons). In 1906 queen A lexan­ dra of England and the do­ wager empress Dagmar of Russia bought the villa for their summer-residence. Now the dowager empress has ma­ de it her permanent home.

In the castle is installed an interesting Commerce- and Na­ vigation-Museum (see Chap­ ter 7). H vidore is the name of a royal property bought in 1507 by K ing Hans and later for some years the dwelling of Dyveke and her mother Sig- b rit. I t was situated on a high bluff on the coast a t a ton­ gue of land in the Sound, a common landing-place during the Middle ages. Thus in 1515 the future queen of Christian

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