racks for the infantry and a school for the cornets. From the flag-battery on the bastion is the most beau­ tiful view of the Sound and from the platform on the square tower can be seen the Danish and Swedish coasts from Kullen to the isle of Hveen. The fine church, still ha­ ving its original carved wood­ work, its splendid royal pew and magnificent altar-piece, is no doubt, the most beautiful renaissance church of the North. Tickets to the different sights are sold in the court-yard a t the first entrance to the left on the ground floor: to the church and the tower 25 0re, io the casemates 40 0re. Cheaper for larger companies.

K ronborg Castle a t Elsinore (see Environs) is built in the style of the renaissance 1575 —85 by Frederik II. The walls are covered with square sand-stones from Gulland, The castle has four towers with spires besides a great square tower a t the south-western corner, and is sourrounded by fortifications with high walls and waterfilled moats. Big casemates in two stories are found under p a rt of the forti­ fications. Towards the land-side was bu ilt by Christian V and F re­ derik IV the socalled y>Kron- vcerk« (crown-work). The cast­ le in olden times was of great importance in m ilitary re­ spect as well as a collector of the Sound dues. Now the castle is being used as b a r­

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