Kronborg Castle as seen from the Sound.

: is K r. 1,00 (Children 0,50), : on Sundays K r. 0,60 (chil- | dron 0,30)'. j Jaegerspris Palace and foun- j dation in the Horns D istrict : near Frederikssund (see En- : virons) originally belonged to : the Crown, b u t was bought V in 1854 by F rederik V II, who : resided there very often w ith i his wife, the countess Danner, : to whom he presented the pa- : lace. She p u t up a bust of i the K ing in the garden and : was buried herself 1874 in an : open burial mound, a t which : stand three Runic stones from : Funen. ; In the court-yard in front : of the palace stands a statue j of a deer in bronce. Jaegerspris : now is a national monument : to Frederik V II and is ow- : ned by King Frederik VII’s

foundation for helpless and forsaken girls , especially of the lower class. I t was founded by Louise Christine, countess of Danner, in 1873 and its object is to render to poor, infortunate circum ­ stanced girls, a home, educa­ tion and train in g to be capa­ ble servants, a t the same time securing for the palace a dig­ nified maintenance. The di­ rection of the foundation consists of three members and there is room for about 200 girls. The building itself contains a small museum commemora­ tive of Frederik V II, consi­ sting of some of his personal properties, pipes, clothes, por­ traits, etc. arranged in the rooms, used by him and the countess.

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