Jeegerspris Palace.

captain J. C. Jacobsen, of­ fered to pay the expenses by the establishment of a natio­ nal-historical Mnscum at the palace, if the K ing and his successors in the future would give up living there. K ing C hristian IX agreed to this proposal and the museum was opened in 1878 and is a t pre­ sent visited by about 8000 tourists a year. Every single thing in the museum is fitted with infor­ ming text, but catalogues are sold a t the entrance, a large illustrated a t K roner 2,50 and a smaller a t K roner 0,50. The palace is open on Sun- and Weekdays 9 >4—5, in April— October though from 11—4 and from November 1st to March 31tli from 11—3 The admission on weekdays

which ought to be seen by all tourists, visiting Denmark. Across a bridge and through the turreted gate one comes into the outer court-yard with the fine Fountain of Neptune, made by Adrian de Vries in 1623. The palace itself embraces the inner court and the »Audience-building«, connected with the main- building by the Sally-port. In 1859 the greater p a rt of the interior of the palace was destroyed by fire, but K ing Frederik V II, who at the time resided there, re­ b uilt it with the aid of the people under the direction oi the architect, professor Mel- dahl. In the Seventies, the Da­ nish Maicenas, the brewer,

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