the draw ings of the architect L. Tliurah. The Palace serves as royal hunting lodge and is situated on the highest point of the Herm itage plain with a wide view of the woods and the Sound. On the first floor are a number of beautiful rooms. Frederiksborg Palace (llillc- ro d : see Environs). This hi­ storical palace originally was b uilt by Frederik II, but his son, C hristian IV tore down the larger p a rt and rebuilt the palace in its present sha­ pe during the years of 1602 —25. In course of time the palace has served as tempora­ ry residence for the Danish kings, who nearly all were crowned and anointed in the very beautiful and splendidly ornamented palace-church,

lias not been changed very much. The palace remained in the possession of the Bernstorff family u ntil the beginning of the 19th century, b u t then passed into the hands of dif­ ferent, private owners. There­ after Bernstorff Palace was bought by C hristian V III, b u t became from 1848 the property of the State and be­ longs to the Civillist. In the p ark in front of the palace is a statue of P. A. Bernstorff and outside the park by Fem- vejen is a monument for Christian IX and Queen Loui­ se, an obelisk with portraits. (Clemmensen and Bund- g a a rd ). The Hermitage in the Dyre- liaven (see Environs) is built 1730 by Christian VI after

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