1733. A fter th a t time it has been restored and enlarged, lastly in 1880—81 by the a r­ chitect F. Meldahl. The park is laid out by K. A. Flint. Bernstorff Palace in the parish of Gentofte, is situated in a park with a beautiful view. For many years K ing C hristian IX had his summer- residence here and left it to his son, prince Valdemar. On this site Christian V originally had arranged his pheasantry, belonging to the palace of Jsegersborg, bu t when Frederik V in 1752 ga­ ve the pheasantry with the park to his m inister of foreign affaires, the elder Bernstorlf, the palace was built in 1762 —64 after the plans of the French a rtis t Jardin. I t was then built in Italian style and

vilion, brought out there from the Copenhagen Exposi­ tion in 1888. From the palace a road leads down to Konge- broen (the K ings Bridge) by Esrom Lake, with a beautiful view across the water. Sorgenfri Palace in Lyngby (see the Environs) is built in 1705 by the French archi­ tect Fr. D ieussart and rebuilt in 1742—43 by L. Thurah. The K ing resides here du­ ring the summer. The park around the palace is very fine and partly open to the public. Charlottelund Palace is situated by Strandvejen in Charlottelund P a rk (see the E nvirons). The Palace, who­ se original name was Gylden- luiul, is named after the si­ ster of C hristianV I, C harlot­ te Amalie, who rebuilt it in

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