Fredensborg Palace.

highway and the Soiulermar- ken (park). Below the hill are the big riding-school, gymnasium , stables etc. Fredensborg Palace, situ ated in the idyllic town of Fredensborg (see the Envi­ rons), is b u ilt by Frederik IV in Italian style in 1720, but later rebuilt and enlarged several times. The four pa­ vilions and the four spires (chimneys) around the cupo­ la thus were added by the architects Eigtved and Thu- rah. In front of the palace is an octogonal court-yard surrounded by lower buil­ dings and having in the midd­ le a statue of the Peace. E ast of the palace is the church. In the interior of the palace a number of beautiful old fur-

Garden to attend the sailing on the canals of the »father of the ])eople« and the royal family. Since the year of 1869 the palace has been used as a Stair-College. But still a few rooms irom the greath old time are pre­ served, as the Knights Hall and The Bose — Rosen, with fine paintings on the ceiling. The Church too has been kept unchanged. I t is a t pre­ sent used as a library (16,000 volumes). In the ba­ sement of the northeastern corner of the building is the bathroom of the queen and the funny pancake-bakery of the princesses. From the terrace in front of the palace there is a wide view over the city. Behind the palace is the Boskilde

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