b uilt in the style of Dutch renaissance and is kept al­ most unchanged in its first form. Frederik I II owned a kind of art-museum at Ro­ senborg, which gradually de­ veloped to be a museum of the personal history of the kings. To the grand collec­ tion of precious things, left by Christian IV, more was added, and it became custo­ mary a t the death of the Kings to place in this muse­ um a number of things, com­ memorative of them. In this way was gradually created the unique family- collection, named »The chro­ nological collection of the Danish Kings«, in the middle of which are placed the pre­ cious crown-regalia. In the basement of the palace are

green patina of n splendid efleet. While most of the day the Amalienborg Square lies in a solemn quiet, the place, when the K ing resides a t Amalien­ borg, every day 12 o'cl. pre­ sents the most lively and pleasant sight, when the life­ guard, with the grand band playing, is mounting guard for relief. Rosenborg Palace (Route 4) is situated in the park of Kongens Have and is one of the most beautiful of the buildings, with which Chri­ stian IV adorned the city. The builder is not known, but it is most likely, th a t the king has acted as his own builder and directed the con­ struction of the palace. I t is


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