P a la c e s in C op enhagen and en v iron s . | K ristine, spent 22 long years j in the dark prison. j

Christiansborg Palace (Rcu- j te 5). On Slotsholmen, the j deafest, historical soil in the j realm, the saga of Copenha- i gen lias been w ritten. Many j times the past generations : have built their castle and : town, .but over and over j again the foes have tried to : destroy the work of the fo- : refathers. The Danes though j sword in hand, have known : to defend their own and to j rebuild, what the enemy j laid waste. : On the spot, where Cliri- : stiansborg Palace now stands, : the bishop Absalon in 1107 : on a small holm built »Ca- j strum de IIafn«, conimnn- : ding the harbour, and this : castle was to be of the grea- ) test importance to the deve- : lopment of the city. j iln 1248 it was conquered j by the Lubec fleet, and later, | when prince Jarom ar of the j island of Itygen conquered the | town, the castle was destroyed 1 and then again in 1368. K ing E rik bu ilt up a pala- j ce and made it the first pa- : lace of the country and the : residence of the Kings. ITis : successors added to the buil- j ding and Christian IV p u t a : spire on Blaa T aarn (the : blue Tower), where later his j unhappy daughter, Eleonore

C hristian VI finally tore j down the old castle and in j 1733 laid the first stone of the j new Christiansborg Palace. : B ut this burned down al- : ready in 1794, whereafter j Frederik VI rebuilt the pa- : lace in noble, antique style, j according to the plans of the architect C. F. Hansen. In 1884, in the meantime the palace was again laid in ashes, and remained as an immense and imposing ruin for 20 years. On April 5th 1900 the P a r­ liam ent decided to rebuild j the palace after the plans of : the architect Thorvald Jar- : (jcnsen. \ This palace now covers ail : area of 20,000 square metres : A number of 7000 big granit- j stones, taken from fields and j sea, donated by Danish com- : mu nities, cover the lower j p a rt of the main building and two wings. The tower w ith its spire measures 89,5 metre (2 y2 time as high as the R u n d etaarn ). On the spi­ re is placed 4 figures, repre­ senting the main-trades of Denmark (sculptor Axel Lo- i cher). In front of the palace is the equestrian statue of K ing Frederik V II (II. V. B issen).

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