Chrfsliansborg Palace as seen from St. Nicolaj Tower.

The Royal Palace is now the seat of the highest au ­ thorities of the c o u n try : The Parliament, occupying the South-wing and a p a rt of the main-building towards the place in front of the pa­ lace (in chapter 3). The King, occupying the remainder of the mainbuil- ding and p a rt of the N orth­ wing for representation. The supreme Court residing in rem aining p a rt of the North-w ing (see cliapt. 10 ). Finally the Foreign De­ partment has got its offices on the two upper floors of the North-w ing and p art of the main-building. On each side of the en tran ce from the North-side are great bronce-statues represen­

tin g Hercules, Minerva, Ne­ mesis and Esculapius, the first by Thorvaldsen, the others by Bissen after the draw ings of Thorvaldsen. In the Royal Gate, the main-entrance from the front of the palace, is placed a memorial tablet of the defen­ se of Copenhagen i 165!) with a bust of Frederik III, put up February lltli 11)19, the 250th am niversary of the day, when Copenhagen was stormed by the Swedes. In the gate is tliQ passage down lo the ruins of Absalons castle. These ruins of the oldest Copenhagen castle are very interesting and are divided into two jtarts, the oldest found, in the inner co urtyard and the later discovered under the place in front of

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