Chapter 9. C op enhagen P ictures. Palaces in Copenhagen and Environs, Parks, Plantations, Monuments, Statues, Church-affairs and Churches, Cemeteries, Soldiers graves. Crematory. Being one of Europes oldest, residences and capitals it is only n atu ral, th a t in Copenhagen and its environs there should be a number of palaces, centuries old, which in course of time have served as dwelling and place of representation of the reigning K ings and their families. As long as the kings were absolute, big sums were used to the maintenance of these palaces, b u t even after the time, when the democra­ tic constitution was introduced, the legislature considers it a dear duty to protect the old historical palaces, the costly relics from the greatness of Denmark. The four palaces, su rro u n ­ ding the Amalienborg Square, ltosenborg palace, Fre.deriks- borg palace in Ilillerod and Kronborg castle in Elsinore are gems, of which any culture-centre night be proud and which therefore ought to be visited by all tourists. The au thorities of Copenhagen are careful of keeping in repair the old parks and plantations as well in the city as in the outskirts, and parks, f. i. as Sondermarken, Frederiks- berg Garden, and Dyrehaven by Klampenborg are always beautiful resting-places, especially in the forenoon. The readers will find out from the following, th a t.th e city contains several beautiful parks and a number of inte­ sting old churchs, which are well worth inspecting. Among the churches in the environs it will pay the to u rist to visit the Koskilde cathedral. After the end of the world-war many thousands of the allied war-prisoners were sent by the way of Copenhagen to their different countries. Some of them were not able to tr a vel farther than to Copenhagen — here they died. They are buried in common graves at our cemeteries and Danish friends of the allied powers have decorated their graves with characteristic monuments.

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