:o., Ostergade 38. as auk, cormorant and other bird-skins have always inte­ rested and been admired by the customers of the firm, Da­ nish as well as foreign. One of the proofs of the position of M. Lewinsky & Co. is the fact, th a t a great num ­ ber of the most prom inent to u rists always find their way to this firm. Many per­ sons with world-known names are found among the steady customers.

M. Leviusky & The firm of M. Levinsky &Co. is one of the oldest furrier- firms in Scandinavia. I t was founded in 1834 and has ever since been one of the leading firms of its line. The direct way — being a Danish firm — of getting furs from Greenland (the Da­ nish colony) n atu rally has p u t its stamp on this bu­ siness. Dine fox, white fox and ice-bear therefore are abundantly represented in ilie shop, but specialties too,

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