Map 3.
The Moltke Picture-Gallery.
tu rd ay evening 7—9. Admis sion free. (Illu strated catalo gue K r. 3,00, plain 50 O re). The Moltke Picture-Gallery (Route 2) is situated on the corner of Bredgade and Dron- ningens Tvergade in the ele gant mansion of count Molt- ke-Bregentved, b u ilt in the beginning of the 18th century by the court F. A. Danne- skjold-Samsoe, b u t in 1858 bought by the count A. M. Moltke, who founded this col lection of about 150 paintings chiefly of the Netherland and Dutch school from the 17th century. The frames of the paintings are fitted w ith the names of the artists. The col lection, in which are found a great number of precious paintings, forms a good sup plement to the Royal Art-
seum. To the latter library belongs (100 rare, old in stru ments, described in a catalo gue. The museum, after being rebuilt and p u t in order, reo pens New Year 192(5. The Hirschsprung Danish Art Gallery is situated at the Northside of 0 stre Anla?g (park) facing Stockholmsga- de. This collection contains very fine works of Danish a r tists from the 19th century, chiefly paintings and d ra wings. I t was donated to the S tate and the City by the merchant II. H irschsprung and wife and inaugurated in 1911. The beautiful edifice is b uilt by architect II. Storck. Open all days, except Mon day, during the w inter 1—3 and in the summer 2—5; Sa
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