The H irschsprung Danish Art Gallery.

Map 7.

ming a long, foursided stru c­ tu re of four wings enclosing an idyllic court-yard with lin­ den-trees, the socalled »Gron- negaarden«. Towards Amalie- gade formerly was a church. The museum was establis­ hed in 1896 by the Society of Industry of Copenhagen and the Ny Carlsberg Museum- Legate. The object is to pro­ mote the Danish art-industry. Besides works of a r t of E uro­ pean and Oriental origin, the Museum contains Danish art- industry from the middle of the 18th century to the present time. The collection of ceramics, no doubt, is espe­ cially worth seeing. A special library of 12,000 volumes and a library of m u­ sical history, founded in 1897 are connected with the Mu-

middle of which Thorvaldsen lies in a burial vault, covered with ivy. The museum is open daily 10—3, adwission 50 Ore. On Sunday, Wednesday and F ri­ day free admission. A t the entrance are sold the big main-catalogue and the common catalogue — the latte r in the Danish, English, French and German langua­ ges. The Danish Art-Industry Museum is installed in the old fine building, Bredgade 66, formerly the Frederiks Hospi­ tal, b uilt in 1752—57 by the architechts Eigtved and L. Thumb and still kept in its original appearance, bu t of course restored some times. The museum is in the old hospitals main-building, for­

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