Map 3.
The Danish Art-Industry Museum.
building has been erected p artly as a museum for the se treasures, p artly as a m au soleum for the greatest Da nish sculptor. Over the front towards the South stands the goddess of victory driving her four- horse team, made in bronce by Bissen, p a rtly after the draw ings of Thorvaldsen. The three other sides of the m u seum are decorated with a series of pictures by Jargon Sonne, made from coloured inlaid cement and represen ting Thorvaldsens return to Copenhagen from Rome on the roads of Copenhagen, the unloading of his works and the tran sp o rt of these to the museum. The four wings of the buil ding enclose a court, in the
1. Catalogue of the collec- tion of modern a rt (75 Ore). 2 Tlie antique works of a rt (75 0 r e ) . 3. The Egyptian collec tion (75 0re) and The Helbig Museum (50 0 re). The cata logues are bought a t the en trance. The Glyptotliek is open from May 16th to October 14th on Sun- and Holidays 10—4. From October 15th to May 15th 1—3. Sunday and Wednesday free admission, the other days K r. 1.00. Thorvaldsens Museum (Rou- te 4) behind the Christians- borg Palace Church is erected by the city of Copenhagen in 1<339—48 in antique monu ment style by Iiindcsboll, Thorvaldsen having bequea thed all his works of a rt and collections to the city. The
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