Map 3.

The Danish Art-Industry Museum.

building has been erected p artly as a museum for the­ se treasures, p artly as a m au­ soleum for the greatest Da­ nish sculptor. Over the front towards the South stands the goddess of victory driving her four- horse team, made in bronce by Bissen, p a rtly after the draw ings of Thorvaldsen. The three other sides of the m u­ seum are decorated with a series of pictures by Jargon Sonne, made from coloured inlaid cement and represen­ ting Thorvaldsens return to Copenhagen from Rome on the roads of Copenhagen, the unloading of his works and the tran sp o rt of these to the museum. The four wings of the buil­ ding enclose a court, in the

1. Catalogue of the collec- tion of modern a rt (75 Ore). 2 Tlie antique works of a rt (75 0 r e ) . 3. The Egyptian collec­ tion (75 0re) and The Helbig Museum (50 0 re). The cata­ logues are bought a t the en­ trance. The Glyptotliek is open from May 16th to October 14th on Sun- and Holidays 10—4. From October 15th to May 15th 1—3. Sunday and Wednesday free admission, the other days K r. 1.00. Thorvaldsens Museum (Rou- te 4) behind the Christians- borg Palace Church is erected by the city of Copenhagen in 1<339—48 in antique monu­ ment style by Iiindcsboll, Thorvaldsen having bequea­ thed all his works of a rt and collections to the city. The

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