kraks vejviser 1998 a-k vers 2




Digital photography 792 Digital print 792 Diodes and rectifiers 794 Direct marketing 795 Directories 4727 Discharge installations, drains and se ­ wers 90 Discotheques, equipment for 798 Dish Washing Machines 2991 Displays for sales and exhibitions 800 Disposable articles for hospitals an la­ boratories 1105 Disposable service (Sets) 1103 Distilled water 778 Distress call equipment 2965 Distribution and collection of post 3310 Distribution of trade circulars 3512 Distribution offices 805 District heating plant, articles and parts for 1276 District heating systems 1273 District newspapers 2505 Diving Equipment 824 Diving Work 822 Dog accessories and cat accessories 1701 Dolls 816 Domestic removal services 2940 Door Handles 838 Door Springs 848 Doors 838 Doors for Refrigerating and Freezing Chambers 2370 Dosing Plants 806 Dowels 829 Drawing Implements and Drawing Of ­ fice Equipment 4258 Drawing Pins 4258 Dredging 4618 Dresses and skirts 2125 Dried fruit 4615 Drinking Straws 4149 Drive belts, V-belts and syncronous belts 809 Driver pulleys and V-belt sheaves 813 Driving schools 2381 Drugs 2707 Dry ice 4613 Dry ice equipment 4613 Drying agents and media 4617 Drying installations 4614 Drying of wood 4520 Drying plants and machines 4615 Dump bodies 4320 Dust removal plants 4121 Dyeing machines 1208 Dyers 1207 Dyes and paints, art. and machinery for the production of 1192 Dyeworks, articles for 1206 E EAN-code equipment 4101 Earmarks 4951 Eco-sustainable building, Advice on 4948 Ecological products 4949 Edgings 2078 EDI - Electronic Document Interchange 944 Edible Fats 1209 EDP consultancy assistance 905 EDP - package solutions for private companies 853 EDP - package solutions for the grap ­ hics industry 881 EDP - package solutions for the public sector 848 EDP - solutions, standardised admini ­ strative and technical 906 Education, integrated projects 4618 Educational Materials 4648 Effluent aeration, equipment for 4023 Egg processing machines, know-how and complete turn-key solutions 4946 Eggs 4941 Eggs and egg products 4946 Eggs, Liquid, Frozen & Dried 4946 Elastics 991 Electric Cable & Wire 2059 Electric Fences 1025 Electric hand tools 1026 Electric heating & cooking apparatus 1071 Disinfectants 767 Disinfection 767 Disinfection plant 767 Displays and indicators 799

Copying and blueprints 2243 Copying machines 2245 Copying of video films 2243 Copywriters 4266 Cordage 4333 Cork Goods 2251 Cornflakes 668 Corporate brokers 4848 Corporate identity clothing 3348 Correspondence schools 524 Corrosion, Investigation and Control of 2257 Corrosion protection agents 2259 Corrugated Cardboard 604 Cosmetics, Manufacture of 2270 Cotton Wadding 4715 Counters 4583 Counters, Electronic 4583 Couplings & Clutches 2154 Courier and express transport 2310 Course and conference organisers 2339 Cover stones 369 Covers & Blankets 4585 Crackers 2151 Crane articles and equipment 2273 Crane hire 2280 Cranes 2274 Credit card administration 2285 Credit card production 2286 Credit information 2286 Cremation 2483 Crematorium equipment 2287 Curtains and curtain materials 1455 Cutting, punching and bending tools 3978 Cylinder Service 674 Cylindrical and surface grinding 3687 D Dabber printing 4221 Dabber printing, Articles and machines for 4222 Dairies, know-how and complete turn ­ key solutions 2723 Dairy articles 2722 Dairy Plants and Machinery 2720 Damage rehabilitation contractors for insurance companies 3833 Danish companies with branches abroad 706 Data accessories and supplies 731 Data acquisition 707 Data communication equipment 709 Data network - equipment, software and services 709 Database suppliers 707 Debt Collectors 1847 Decoration 751 Decoration mannequins and busts 754 Decoration Materials 755 Deepfrozen foods, articles for 820 Deep-frozen Foodstuffs 816 Crispbread 2154 Crown Corks 668 Crystals 2291 Cupboard Doors 3832 Current transformers 4113 Curtain Rods 1459

Coffee Mills 2067 Coffee roasting 2065 Coffee Urns 2066 Coffins 2484 Coils 4031 Coin Counting, Sorting and Wrapping machines 2919 Coke & Cinders 2157 Cold extrusion 2158 Cold Stores 2374 Cold stores, building of and articles for 2376 Cold stores, storage, knowhow and complete installations 2377 Collars 2281 Collotype 2549 Colour Cards 1195 Colour measuring instruments 1195 Colour planning 1196 Combined heat and power plants, Turnkey solutions 2271 Commercial exporters 1598 Communication, knowhow and com ­ plete turn-key solutions 2162 Commutators 2162 Compact discs 644 Company management, consultants 4813 Compasses 2163 Composite parts 647 Composition 3772 Composition equipment 3781 Compost 2163 Composting 2163 Composting systems 2163 Compressors 2164 Computer-controlled checking and mo ­ Computer installation, operation and maintenance - equipment/services 881 Computer project management 943 Concrete additives 387 Concrete aggregates 387 Concrete, articles for the manufacture of 387 Concrete casting machines 387 Concrete Elements 378 Concrete Goods 389 Concrete, Light 2474 Concrete Mixing Machinery 377 Concrete moulds and form systems 382 Concrete products, know-how and complete turn-key solutions 393 Concrete, Ready-mixed 374 Concrete renovation 383 Concrete renovation materials 385 Condensation preventing coating 131 Condoms 2171 Confectioners 2174 Conference decoration 2199 Congress and Meeting-Halls 2176 Congress materials 2199 Connectors, plugs and caps 2199 Construction coordination 575 Construction of Slaughterhouses 3929 Construction of Thermo-chemical De ­ struction plants 779 Construction of Water Works 4672 Consultancy 3731 Consulting Engineers 1800 Consulting Marine Engineers 3849 Contact Eye Glasses 2204 Container Equipment 663 Container Service 655 Container terminals 663 Containers 356 Contract Packing 1073 Contract work - Electronics 2561 Contract work, Precision mechanics for the electronics industry 2563 Contractors 1106 Contractors' machinery and equipment 1115 Contractors' machinery, Spare parts for 1135 Contractors' supplies, hire of 1127 Control buttons 2237 Controlling Apparatus, Automatic 2235 Converters 2984 Conveyor Belts 4365 Conveyor Plants 4351 Conveyor Plants, Articles for 4362 Cooling elements 2376 Cooling lubricants and cutting fluids 2379 nitoring machines 943 Computer furniture 942 Converters and inverters 2238 Conveyance of Patients 4186

Cash Registers 2095 Casinos 629 Casting machines and accessories 4117 Casual Clothing 1390 Catalysts 2096 Catering 629 Catering and canteen equipment 4094 Catering goods 631 Catering service/Meals out of the house 793 Cattle and pigs, collective pens for 2281 Cattle exporters 2282 Cattle Salesmen & Agents 2283 Cattle Slaughterhouses 2284 Caviar 2096 Cement, concrete, know-how and complete turn-key solutions 637 Central Heating Boilers 637 Ceramic grinding 2123 Ceramic ware, articles for the produc ­ tion of 2123 Ceramics 2117 Ceramics for technical purposes 2123 Ceramics, know- how and complete turn-key solutions 2122 Certification 638 Chains & Chain Wheels 2345 Chalk 2287 Chemical engineers 2099 Chemical Products 2100 Chemical recycling and power plants 2099 Chemical Works 2114 Chemical works, articles and machines for 2116 Chemist'Sundries 134 Chemists 132 Cheque Protectographs 641 Chewing Cum 4550 Chewing Tobaccos 3922 Childrens Institutions, Articles for 606 Children's Ready-made Clothing 607 Children's underwear 611 Chill casting 2157 Chimneys & Chimney Builders 3914 China and Faience 3294 China Clay 2078 China Repairers 2309 Chinese & Japanese Goods 2123 Chip Boards 4053 Chocolate & Chocolate Goods 641 Chocolate and chocolate goods, pro ­ Christmas trees and decorations 2046 Chromium-plating, brass-plating and nickel-plating 1315 Church Appliances 2124 Cider 2799 Classification & Registration of Ships 3848 Cleaner technology 3538 Cleaning 3538 Cleaning agents and detergents 3568 Cleaning agents and washers 3580 Cleaning articles 3563 Cleaning Means, Industrial 3579 Cleaning Rags 3362 Cleaning services 1721 Cleaning, sorting and grading machines 3578 Cleanrooms, Equipment for 3581 Climatic test cabinets and chambers 2130 Clips for Packing Purposes 3303 Clogs 4519 Clothing, Ladies' Ready - made 687 Clothing, Men ’ s Ready-made 1636 CO2 manufacturing and recycling eq ­ uipment 644 Coach body manufactures and repai ­ rers, articles for 2085 Coach builders and wheelwrights 2080 Coal 2298 Coastal protection 2345 Cocoa 2069 Coffee 2064 Coffee Filters and Strainers 2066 duction machinery for 641 Christmas decorations 2045 CD-Rom distribution 634 CD-ROM manufacture 634 Ceilings 2501 Celebration Articles 1212 Cement 636 Chamois 4715 Charcoal 4501 Charging air coolers 2407 Chartering Agents 346 Cheese 2994 Cheese Powder 2999 Cheese Wax 2999 Cheesemaking machines 2999

Degreasing agents 87 Degreasing plant 86 Dehumidification 88 Dehumidification plant 88

Deliming plant 90 Demolition 2958

Dental articles 4226 Dental Depots 4228 Dental laboratories 757 Deodorizing Installations 2536 Department Stores 4100

Design agencies 763 Design of textiles 761 Designs, freelance 764 Desktop publishing 767 Detective agencies 779

Detectors, sensors and transducers 780 Detergent and cleaning agent manufac ­ ture, Machinery and equipment for 4705 Diabetic articles 782 Diagnostic and treatment equipment 782 Diamond drilling and cutting 782 Diamond tools and machines for the metal and stoneworking industry 784 Dictating Machines 793 Diesel engines 786 Diesel engines, articles and parts for 790 Diesel oil 791

Cooling towers 2381 Copper roofing 2154 Coppersmitheries 2154

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