kraks vejviser 1968 handelskalender
Index to the beaoings
Gift a rtid e s 2440 - parcels 2445 Gilding 2045 Gin 2485 G ingerbreads 2965 Gingercakes 29G5 Glass 5655, 5656 - etching on 2575
Laboratories of zymology 4185 Laboratory equipment & furniture 4195 Lace 3745 Laces 650 Lacquering 4210 Lacquering shops, m otor-car 265 Lactic ferm ent 7315 Lacquer factories, raw m aterials & articles for 4216 Lacquers 4215 Ladders 6975 L ad ies'h ats 1185,1186 - lingerie 1195, 1196 - ready-m ade clothing 1190,1191 Laminated boards 5015 - wood 7815 Laminating 4230 Lamp shades 4240 Lampblack 4170 Lamps 4235 - bicycle 114 0 - electric incandescgnt 2600 Land agents 1480. 1481 - societies 14 85 - surveyors 4260 Landscape gardening 130, 2865 Lanterns 4410 - magic 4430 - sh ip s' 6395 Lantern-slides 4435 Lard 1775,1776 - industrial 1776 Lard melting establishm ents 1777 Last m anufacturers 4505 Lathes 1335 Laundries 8200 Laundry plants 8195 Lavatory cisterns 8225 Lead 660 - seals 5635 Leasing 4267 Leather 4465,4466 - im itation 4065 Leather clothing 6445 - goods 4470,4472,4473 Leight-weight packaging 2090 L etters 720 Levels 8215 Life saving appliances 5885 Light baths 4425 Lighthouse equipment 2312 Lightning conductors 4415 Light-weight concrete 510 Lignite 855 Lime, agricultural 3340 Lime works and offices 3450 Limestone works 3445 Line 5875 Linen goods 3055,3056 Lingerie, la d ie s '1195,1196 Linings 2120 Linoleum 4335-4337 Liqueur 4320 Liquorice confectionery 4220,4221 Lithography 4345,4346 Liver paste 4295 Locks 4515-4517 - bicycle 1145 Locomotives 4355 Looms 8420 Lotteries 4375 Loud-speaker installations 3093-3095 L ubricators 6675 M acaroni 454 0 Machine ruling 4330 - tools 8415, 8416 M achinery m anufacturers' sundries 4636 - preparations 4580 Malting barley 4570 Mangies 6050 Manifo.d form s 2475 - system s 2^75 Manure spreaders 2815 Maps 3920 i - mounting Cjf 3921 M arble & m arble goods 4625 M argarine 4600,4602 M arine paints 6380 M arketing and m arket analysis 4605 Marking machines 4990 M armalade 4629 M arzipan paste. 4595 M asks, protective 480 Massage & remfedial therapy appara- tus 4685 \ * Matches 7910. 79U M aternity gowns and frocks 8273 - homes 2330 \ Mats 5080 M attresses 4520 M easuring apparatus, quantity 4988 M easuring instrum ents, electrical 1565 Meat, preservered 4135,4136 Machines 4635-4637 Magazines 585,8030 Magnets 4525 Maize products 4535 M alleable iron castings 675 Malt 4565 - coffee 4575
Meat exporters 8945 - slicers 5795 - fodder 4130 M echano-technical research, labora- to ries for 4190 Medals 1665 Medical laboratories 4187 M eerschaum articles 4750 M eeting-halls 3825 M elteries, fat, machinery for 1777 Men's linen 2920, 2921 - ready-m ade clothing 2915,2916 M ercantile colleges .2840 M erchants 2640 Metal, expanded 7035 - scrap 4765 - sintered 6325
Hospitals 2970 - veterinary 1405 Hotel furnishers & sundries 2986 Hotels 2985 - sea-side 335 Hot pressing 8170 Hot-w ater heating installations 2897 - m eters 8160 House agents 1480. 1481 Household m achines 3040, 3041 Houses, adm inistration of 1475 - pre-fabricated 1625 - standard 7900 Housing assignm ent offices 735 Hydraulic components 3058 - machines & m aterial 3060 Hydro extractors & cream separators 1075 Hydrochloric acid 6155 Hydrogen gas 3065 Hydropathic establishm ents 8115 H ygrom eters 2290 Ice, dry 7955 Ice cream factories 3265 - - machines & articles for 3266 Ice houses 3285 - plants 3285 Iceland products 3270 Imitation leather 4065 Im port agents 3160-85 - companies 1490 Incubators 6040 Industrial buildings, factorymade 3205 - companies with branch offices abroad 2835 - filters 3215 - housing, factorymade 3205 - plants, complete 3203 Ink 670 Inlaying 1265 Innersash Windows 2100 Insecticides 1975, 3230 Insoles 3200 Instant potato 3515 Instrum ent m akers 3235, 3236, 3237 music 3237 Instrum ents, mechanical, Optical and physical 3236 Insulating m aterials 3275 - electric 1550 Insulation, cork 3880 - against m oisture 2295 Insulation firm s 3276 Insulin 3240 Insurance 2105-2110 - audit 2115 Intercommunication system s, loud- speaking 6160
- plate 6805 - prism 500 - for reinlorced concrete 500 - sheet 2540, 2541 Glass ampoules 2515 - bending 2525 - blowing 2520 - containers for packing purpose 1655
- cutting 2560 - mosaic 2550 - painters 2545 - roofs 2565 - sand blasing 2555 G lassware 2570-2572 G laziers 2505 Globes 2585 Gloves 2845, 2847, 2848
Metal fram es 4770 - name plates 4775 -spraying 4785 - stam pers 4795 - tubes 4780 - ware m frs. 4805 Metals 4760 Mica 2580 Micro photographing 4 810 M icroscopes 4815 M ilinery 4850 Milk, chocolate 1095 - condensed 4955 Milk cans 4985 - cartons 4960 - coolers 4970 - powder 4975 - sugar 4980 Milking machines 4560 M illers 5040 M illinery feathers 1915 Milling m achines 2255 Mills Tcereal] 1210 - m achines & plants for 5045 M ilistones 5050 Minced fish 1860 M ineral oils 5170, 5172 - sands, heavy 7880 - w aters 4825 M ini-Car racing tracks 4828 M ini-m otors 1150 Mining com panies 4827 M irrors 6800 Mobile cranes 4830 Mobiles 8074 Models, building of 4840 Moistening plants 44 3 M olasses 4745 Moler & Moler bricks 4855 Money counting machines 5065 Mops, polishing 5755 M ortar 5075 Mortgage Societies 3960, 5870 Motels 4870 Moth proofing 5035 M otorcar accessories & parts 290-292 - bodies 250 - gas 244 - lacquering shops 265 - radiators 255 - rep airs 280 - rep air shop equipment 297 - scrapping 270 - testing stations 275 - tyres 245,246
- working 175 Glucose 2595 Glue 4325
Glue paste 3680 Gold 2685-2688 Gold lacing 2690 G oldsm iths' sundries 2689 Grading fruit m achinery 2233 Grading machinery 6760 Grain 3890 G rain, drying of 3900, 7970 - & cargo superintendence 3860 - dryers 3905, 7980 - silos 3905 - winnowing plants & machines 3895 Gramophone recording 2610 - records 2615-2617 G ranite 2620 Grape juice 1365 Graphite 2605 Gratings 2500 G ravel 2650 G rave-clothes 4iäl5 G rease-proof bags 1780 Greenhouses 1353 G rinderies 6625 Grinding of floors 2695 - - spices and Chemicals etc. 2075 Grinding machinery 6615 - m aterials 6620 - m ilis 4115 - plants & machines 2080 - wheels 6630 G roceries 3110 Gymnastic equipment 2800 H aberdashery 3925, 7260 H air and hair-w ork 3145 - animal 3130 H aird ressers 2200 - supplies [gentlem en] 2910 - supplies [ladies] 1180 H air dryers 3150 - ro llers, electrically heated 1127 H alter ropes, cattle 3940 Hamm er m arkes 2830 Hams 6460 Hangers 945 Handkerchiefs 4360,4361 Hardening 3075 Hardware 3260, 3261,3262 Hardwood tu rn e r's workshops 4030 Harmoniums 5245, 5246 H arv ester-th resh ers 4730 Hats 2855-2857 - straw 7050 Hay 3080 H eadscarfs 7965 Hearing aids 3105 Heat exchangers 8165 Heating apparatus,electric 1590 - engineers 8155 - appliances for 8156 - system s, d istrict 1940 t Heavy m ineral sands 7880 Hemstitching 3005 H erring oil 6310 H errings 6305 Hides 2980 Hobby articles 2950-2952 H oists 7435 Home freezers 2930 Honey 2955 - artificial 2960 Hops 3010 H orsehair 4000 H orses 2925 H orticultural im plem ents 2890 Hose 6610 G rocers 3795, 3796, 4125 Gummed paper 2750, 2751 Gun m akers 985 G utters Iroof] 7400 Gymnasium suits 2795
Interiör decorators 740,7485 International transports 3250 Invalid chairs 7295 Inventory system s 3253 Investm ent companies 3255 Invoice m achines 1735 Iron 3300 - pig 6120 - scrap 3295 Iron b arreis 3320 - castings, m alleable 675 - constructions 3325 - drum s 3320 - founders 3335 - pipes 3330 - reinforced concrete 505 - tubes 3330
- upholsterers 285 - - articles for 286 M otorcars 240-243 Motorcycle accessories and spare- parts 4881 , - tire s 4875 M otorcycles 4880 Moulded leight-weight packaging 2090 Mouldings 5840 Mouse exterm inators 6030 Mud suction pumps 6605 M uftiers 4403 M ushrooms 1080 Music, academ ies of 4935 - schools of 4940 M usic-dealers 4925 - engraving 5110 - installations, background 358 - printing establishm ents 5115 - publishers 4920 Musical instrum ents 3237,4930 M ussels 4945 M ustard 6280 Nails 7365 Nautical instrum ents 5085 Neckties 6635 Needles for sewing machines 7305 News agencies 7615 Newspaper distribution centrals 580 - waste 310
Ironing machines 7025 Irrigation system s 8110 Ivory & hardwood tu rn e r's workshops 4030 Jacks 1320 Japanese goods 3625 Jew ellers 2688 Joiners 4675, 6690 - m achinery & sundries for 4676, 6695 Joint filling m aterials 2273 Juice, fruit 2230
- grape 1365 - orange 5225 Jute goods 3360
- yarn 3355 Kapok 3490 Kayaks 3415 Keys 5125 - registration of 5130 K ieselguhr 3647
K indergartens,articles for 960 Kitchen equipment 4145-4147 - furnishers 4140 Kneading m achines 5550 Knives 3750-3752 Labelling machines 1705 Labels 1695 - woven 1700 Laboratories, analyticalchem ical 4175 - bacteriological 4180 - electro-technical 4182 - for mechanotechnical research 4190 m edical 4187
.Newspapers 305-08 Nickel pläters 2095
Nitric acid 6145 Noise abatement 7085 Note books 3550 Nozzles 1415 Numbering machines 5120 N urseries 5580 Nursing homes 7270 - requisites 7280-7282
Hosiery 7750,7752-7754 Hospital furniture 2975 - requisites 2975
The numbers refer to headings, not to pages
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