kraks vejviser 1968 handelskalender
Index to the headings
Comm ercial compagnies with branch offices abroad 2835 Comm ercial inquiry agents 5205 Commission business 50 Commutators 3798 Compasses 3800 Composition, mechanical 4660 C om pressors 3805 Concert agendes 7505 Concrete, light-weight 510 - ready-m ixed 485 Concrete constructions, rein- forced 3315 - elem ents 495 - goods 515 - mixing machinery 490 - road m aterials &. equipments 520 Condensed milk 4955 Conductivity m eters 4270 Confectioners 3820-3822, 7200, 7202 - retail 3810 C onfectioners' supplies and equipment 3811 Congress halls 3825 Consultants, advertising and sales 5935 - rationalization 5856 Consulting engineers 3221 Container service 1117 Containers 455 - transport 1116 - - to let 1118 Contractors 1680 - jointing 2272 - sew erage 3685 C ontractors' sundries 1681 Controlling apparatus, automatic 3850 Convalescent homes 5950 Conveyance of patients 7290 Conveyor belts 7735 - plants 7730 - - articles for 7731 Coolcing apparatus, electric 1590 Co-operative societies 850 Coopers 940 Copperplade printing 3770 Coppersm itheries 3760 Cordage 7690 Cork floors 3875 - goods 3885, 3886 - insulation 3880 - stoppers 5715 Cornflakes 1120 Cornice poles 4340 Corrosion, investigation and Control of 3910 Corrugated cardboard 950 Corsets 3915, 3917, 3918 Cottages, weekend 6745 Cotton 750 - goods m anufacturers 760 Couplings & elutehes 3775 Covers 7915, 7917, 7918 C rackers 3730 Cranes 3935 - mobile 4830 Cream 1995 - powder 2000 - separators & hydro extractors 1075 Credit banks 3960 Crispbread 3755 C risps, potato 2190 Crown corks 1125 Crumb dressing 5848 Cryolite 3995 Cucumbers [pickledj 55 Cupboard doors 6345 purtain rods 2375 Curtains 2370, 2371 Customhouse clearance 7675 Cylinder service 1170 D airies 4715 Dairy plants and machinery 4710 - utensils 4720 Data processing 1240 Death watch beetle, Control of the 3030, 3031 Debt collectors 3225, 3226, 3227 D ecorating fabrics 5025-5027 D ecoration m aterials 1250 Decorations, garden 2875 D ecorators 1255 - interiör 740 Deep-frozen foodstuffs 1390 Demolitton 5097 1 Dental equipment, rep air shops for 7458 - mechanics 7470 - Bupplies 7455-7457 D entists 7460 Design, industrial 3210 D esigners, furniture 5000 Designs registering of 5055 D estruction plants, construction of 1285 - spinners 755 - wadding 8210 - waste 7890 Counters 7905
Dextrine 1260 Diabetics, food and stim ulants for 7195 Dictating machines 1305 D ie-stam ping 7155 D iesel engines 1295 D irectories 8260 Dish washing machines 5220 Disinfection 1275 Dispensing chem ists 155 Disposable service 1678 D istribution boards, electric 1580 Diving equipment 1400 - work 1398
Electro-technical laboratories 4182 Electrodes, spark 2603 Electrom otor subscription 1605 Electronic apparatus 1615 Electroplate goods 1620 Elevators 1630 Embossing 5725 - of tools 5730 Em broidery 830-831 Em ergency current plants 5123 Em ery goods 6666 Employment bureaus 165, 1675 Emulsifying agents and equip ment 1670 Enamel signboards 1635 Engineers 3220 - Consulting 3221 - - m arine 6390 Engine gaskets 4645 Engines 4885 Engraving 2630 Entertainm ent, places of 2070 Ensilage, fish 1855 Envelopes 3870, 3871 Essences 1685 Estate agents 1480, 1481 Excavators 2625 Exhaust system s 8025 Exhibition equipment 8020 - organizers 8015
Floo rings - cork 3875
- parquet 5435 - rubber 2765 Floors, planing and grinding of 2695 F lo rists' shops, articles for 555 Flour 4740 - wood 7830 Flow er, auctions 2210 Flow ers 635-637 - artificial 640 Flue gas analysers 6075 Foam rubber 6565-6567 F oils, adhesive 6265 - plastic 5595 Folding doors 2025 - partitions 2030 Folk high schools 3090 Food, cat 3555 - dog 3025 Foodstuffs, deep-frozen 1390 Footwear, rubber 2755 Forage 2175 Forage harvesters 2675 F o rest d istricts 6520 Forgings [iron & steel) 6655 Fork lift trucks 2340 Forwarding agents 6785 Foundries, bell 3695 Foundry machinery 7075 Fountains 687,8 Fountain pens 2300-2302 Fram es 5845, 5847 - furniture 5020 - m etal 4770 • - Steel 7120 Franking m achines, postal 2185 Freeze-drying plants 2245 F reezers, home 2930 Freezing 2250 - plants 2250 F resh-w ater fish 1795 F rog-m en's suits & equipment 2265 F ruit 2205 - auctions 2210 - juice 2230 - preserves 2680, 2681 - pulp 2225 Fruit-grow ing articles 2215 Fuel oils 2310 - suppliers 870 Fum igators 1280 Fungicides 7220 F u r dressing 5465 - farm s, articles for 5460 - goods 5470, 5471 Furnace cement 5295 Furnaces, industrial 5290 - refuse burning 35 - for wood shavings 6886 Furnishing fabrics 5025-5027 F urniture 5030-5032 - cane 380 - canteen 3480 - children's 415 - gården 2880 - hospital 2975 - hotel 2986 - laboratory 4195 - Office 3845 - p rin te rs' 726 - shop 915 - Steel 7125 - storehouses for 5010 | - wicker 4100 F urniture designers 5000 - fram es 5020 - rem overs 1985 F u rriers 905 - sacks, stands for 5972 Garden decorations 2875 - furniture 2880 - sunshades 2885, 5425, 5426 G årdeners 2385 G årdeners' sundries 2390 Gardening, landscape 130, 2865 Gas, bottled 1955 - m otor-car 244 Gas cooking apparatus 2400 - fitting 2425 - fittings 2405 - heating, appliances for 2430 ----autom atics for 2432 G alvanizers 2350 Game 8300, 8301 - requisites 6855-6857 G arages 2360 Garbage cars 5973 •
Dog articles 3027 Dog biseuits 3020 - food 3025 Doils 1370 D o il's pram s 1375 Domestic telephones 3050 Door handles 1430 - holders 1435 - openers 1455 - plates 1450 - springs 1445 - telescopes 1440 Doors 1425 - cupboard 6345 - fire-pronf 795 - folding 2025 - Steel 5330 D orm er Windows 7415 Dowels 1420 Downs & featfiers 1910 Drafting machines 7535 Dragée factories 1325 Drainage plants 40 D rapers 4590-4592 Drawing im plem ents 7540 - Office equipment 7540 - pins 7550 - schools 7545 D redgers 4890 Dredging 8000 D ress cloths’3661, 3662 - shields 8485 - skins 6451 D resses 3655, 3656 D ried cod 3675 Drinking straw s 7180 Drop forgings 7345 Druggists & chem ists 4695 D ruggists' articles 4696 Drugs 1360, 4705, 4707 Druras, iron 3320 Dry batteries 7945 - beer factories 5700 - cleaning plants 5985 - ice 7955 - paste 7960 - yeast 7950 D ryers, grain 3900 Drying of grain 3900, 7970 - plants 3905, 7980 Dummies 910
Exhibitions 8010 Explosives 6870 Export companies 1490 - directories 1495 E xtracts 1685 Facade cleaning 1722 - plaster 1721 Faience 1730 F airs 8010 F arm wagons 4255
Faroe products 2325 Fashion papers 4835 Fat m elteries and refineries, m achinery for 1777 F ats, edible 1775 F eather cleaners 1945 F eathers & downs 1910 Feed m ixers 2005 Feed, poultry 1926 Feeding chalk 2010 - stuffs 2015 F elt 1825, 1830 - shoes 3725 Fences, electric 1545 Fencing & fencing m aterials 3195 F erry services 2320 F ertiliz er spreaders 2815
F ertilizers 2810 Fibre glass 2530 F ibres 1810 File benches 1817 Files 1815 Film 1820, .1821 - 8 and 16 mm . 6645 F ilters, air 4380 - coffee 3390 - industrial 3215 - oil 5150 - w ater 8100
Dump bodies 7655 Duplication 1385 Duplic ators 1380 Dustbins 6355
Dust rem oval plants 7090 Dye-works, articles and m achinery for 1761
Financing companies 1835 F ire alarm apparatus 785 - engines 805 - extinguishers 800 - fighting equipment 805 F ireplaces 3425, 5452 - oilburning 5155 F ire-proof buildirg m aterial 3155 - doors 795 Fire-proofing 790 Firewood 865 Firew orks 2315, 2316 Fish 1845 - fresh-w ater 1795 - minced 1860 Fish-auctioneers, licensed 1850 - culture ponds 1175 - - articles for 1176 Fish ensilage 1855 - fille ts 1865 - m anufacturers, appliances for 1866 - m eal 1875 - - and fish-oil m iils, plants for 1876 - preserves 1870, 1872, 1873 Fishing appliances for englers 1886 - articles 6855-6857 - companies 1890 - nets 1880 - rods 1895 - tackle 1885 Flags 1740, 1950 Flagstaffs 1953 Flax 8chutching m iils 3115 Flint 1970 Flock printing 8270 Floor cloths 2715 - maintenance equipment 2700 - polish 770 - polishing machines 765 - tiles 2710 Floorings 2705
Dyers 1760 - skin 6455
E arm arks 8510 Edible oils 6840 Educationel m aterials 8050 Egg yolks 8480 Eggs 8470 - dried and frozen 8475 Elas tic 1500 E lectric advertisem ent signs 1560 Electric belis 1575 - cable 3370 - heating apparatus 1590 - incandescent lamps 2600 - insulating m aterials 1550 - kitchen ranges 2415 - light co n tracto rs' sundries 1596 - light fittings 1535 - motors 1610 - panels 1580 - power contractors 1555 - rectifiers 1540 - relays & starters 1570 - signal clock installations 1585 - machinery workshops 1600 - m easuring instrum ents 1565 - sw iU hgear and contactors 1515 Electrically heated hair ro llers 1127 Electricians 1595 Electricity m eters 1505 Electro-m edical irradiation lamps 3085 - tools 1520 - wire 3370 E lectrical articles 1525 - clock installations 1585 - cooking apparatus 1590 - distribution boards 1580 - fences 1545 - heated blankets 1593
- m eters 2420 - ranges 2415 - stoves 2400 - w ork's plants 2435 Gates 5670 G ear m otors 2460 G ears 7445 - reduction 7450 - speed 2455 Gelatine 2465 G enerators, steam 1200 Geotechtonics 2480 Gherkins IpickledJ 55
The numbers refer to headings, not to pages
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