
0 °l . M S Y Y /tj/ - 0/ b ' 6 Copyright 1943 by POVL B R A N N E R — Copenhagen

All priveleges are reserved, including the rights to Radio and Tonefilm s as well as the right to Translations, Performances, Compositions and Repro­ ductions of any Kind, and the right to bring out the Tone on mechanical • Instruments. Alle Rettigheder, herunder Radio- og Tonefilmsrettighederne samt Retten til Oversættelse, Opførelse, Komposition og Gengivelse af enhver Art samt Retten til Optagelse paa mekaniske Instrumenter forbeholdes Droits d ’exécution de traduction et de reproduction réserveés pour tous pays

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nornotrylc a/s., kobenhavn

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