Kraks vejviser 1929 Handelsregister

13 The principal organizations for Danish tråde are as follows: In Copenhagen — The Merchants Guild (Grosserer Societetet) established 1742, Address/ Børsen, Copenhagen [K]. Chairman: Ernst Meyer Esq., R.* DM., and for the provinces: The Provincial Chamber of Commerce (Provins-Handelskammeret), Address: Boldhusgade Copenhagen [K], Chairman: Chr. Cloos Esq., K.* DM. For banking and monetary matters, shipping and other Communications see the beginning of the Part B of this Export Directory (page 215 and page 219). The Danish commercial information service is centralized in the Trade Bureau of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The object of this Bureau is to provide systematized in­ formation respecting the possibilities for sale and purchase abroad, not merely in the form of a general description of conditions at foreign places, but also by means of direct investiga- tions of such possibilities in the foreign markets. Further the purpose of the Bureau is to enlighten foreign countries with respect to Danish trade and endeavour thereby to create interest in and a demand for Danish products. Outwardly the Ministry with the Bureau as medium operates through the Danish diplomatic and consular representatives all over the world. The composition of these institu­ tions and tlieir method of procedure is determined on economic and commercial lines aiming directly at promoting trade interests. The Bureau assists and advises traders on all such matters as fail within the scope of foreign service. No charge is made for assistance rendered. Rutes applying for the co-operation o f the Danish State in the granting o f Export Credits. State aid is granted: By guaranteeing the Bill-of-exchange of the exporter. (A) Ordinarily the guarantee will not cover more than 75 °/0 of the B/E drawn by the exporter, but when the period of credit does not exceed twelve months the guarantee may cover up to 85 °/0 of same. When security is given, or the sale takes place to co-operative concerns, there will be no recourse on the part of the State, but othérwise the State reserves to itself recourse for at. least 20 °/0 of possible loss sustained. In the case of sale to a foreign State, or the guaiantee of a State bank or similar institution is given, the period of credit may be extended up to four years. (B) On Danish industrial products being dispatched on consignment to a foreign country, the State vill be prepared, after preeeding satisfactory examination by the Danish Ministry of Commerce, to participate in possible loss involved by such dispatch to the extent of up to one half. (C) In the case of dispatch of stocks on consignment, sample stocks etc. the exporter will be able to obtain a loan of up to one half of the value of such stock, and this applies also with respect to the purchase of raw materials for the manufacturing of products which it is certain can be sold abroad. Finally on contracting for large deliveries, such as ships, locomotives, fertilizers etc., State aid can be obtained to the extent of 75 °/0 of the amount of such contracts. The repay- rnent of such loans shall take place within five years, and, in the case of ships, within a period of six years, Up to the middle of October 1928 the amount guaranted under the now existing State Export Credit Scheme came to 38 millions Kroner, and it is estimated that the value of foreign orders which the scheme has facilitated is about 100 millions Kroner. Applications to be made on the special forms obtainable from the Ministry of Com­ merce, Slotsholmsgade 10, Copenhagen, where also further particuiars and directions can be had. Trade Information Bureau o f the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Christiansborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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