Kraks Erhverv Indkøbsbog for dansk erhvervsliv 2005-06

Industriel design



Hauch & Bach ApS, Lynge, F X ......................... 48 16 08 80 Henckel Gruppen 93 ApS, Rødby, F X ............. 70 22 73 33 Holmriis - Ebeltoft El-Installation A/S, Ebeltoft, S ................................................................................ 86 34 14 44 Høier og Vendelbo A/S, Sønderborg, G ............. 73 42 4 0 40 Indutek Scandinavia, Gilleleje, G ........................ 70 23 08 00 Ingeniørfirmaet Poul Tarp A/S, Randers, F ......... 86 42 56 00 InnoScan A/S, Brabrand, F-X ............................... 86 26 56 77 InnospeXion ApS, Hvalso, F-X ............................ 46 40 90 70 Instrumeter A/S, Nærum, F ................................. 45 50 58 10 IO-Connect ApS, Sønderborg, F ......................... 73 12 41 38 Korsør Elektronik A/S, Korsør, F ......................... 58 30 21 00 Larsen Thorkild A/S, Lynge, G ............................. 48 18 66 66 Micro Technic A-S, Aarup, F-X ............................ 66 15 30 00 Multi Connect ApS, Køge, F- G ............................ 56 64 08 20 PHOENIX CONTACT A/S, Hvidovre, O .............. 36>7 44 11 Pro-Consult A/S, Lejre, S ....................................46 48 20 60 Schmidts Radio, Vissenbjerg, F ......................... 66 15 05 57 SIEMENS A/S Borupvang 3, 2750 Ballerup Tlf. 44 77 44 77, Fax 44 77 44 88 5

ZULAU A/S se omstående helsidesann.

CBDA/S Kronprinsessegade 8 B, 1306 København K Tlf. 33 14 29 01, Fax 33 91 33 05


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Industrielle fjedre Se • Fjedre


Industrielle gasser Se • Gasser, Industrielle


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Industrielle ovne Se • Ovne, industrielle

Nils Toft, Henrik Jeppesen MAA MDD

Thiim C A/S, Herlev, G-X .................................... 44 85 80 00

IPU - Instituttet for Produktudvikling, Kgs. Lyngby ................................................................................ 45 25 46 00 J C H Design, Næstved ........................................ 55 75 12 34 J.G.M. Plast A/S, Billund ........................................ 75 33 87 00 KB El-Teknik, Ry, X .............................................. 86 89 35 44 KJÆRULFF DESIGN Østre Allé 16, Postboks 138, 9560 Hadsund

Industriel forskning Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte

Industrifiltre Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte Se også • Luftrenseudstyr • Oliefiltre • Vandfiltre • Vandrensnings- og vandbehandlingsanlæg ............................................................................... 7612 33 66 Alfa Laval Nordic A/S, Rødovre, G ...................... 44 57 62 00 Andersen Poul Maskinfabrik X/S, PAM, Kerteminde, F-G-X ................................................................................ 65 32 12 41 AVS Danmark ApS, Hedehusene, G ................... 46 56 43 43 AxFlow A/S Solvang 6, 3450 Allerød Tlf. 70 10 35 50, Fax 70 10 35 55 C E-mail: Web: >1 A x F low Din leverandør af Flowteknik Bager Christian ApS, Humlebæk, G .................. 49 19 22 66 Borgen Ingeniør- og Smedefirma A/S, Slangerup, F ............................................................................... 47 33 82 20 Colly Company a/s, Hvidovre, G ....................... 36 77 63 00 Damas A/S, Faaborg, F-X ..................................... 63 61 82 00 Dan-Engineering A/S, Glostrup, F-X ................... 43 96 13 73 Dan-How Perforation ApS, Odense M, F-X ....... 66 12 32 71 Danmil A/S, Ballerup, G ...................................... 70 10 10 30 Danref A/S, Skævinge, G .................................... 48 28 89 00 Dansk Trykluft Industri A/S, Herfølge, G ...........56 21 71 00 DC Teknik, Frederikssund, F-X ......................... 38 71 08 26 Donaldson Scandinavia ApS, Hørsholm, G ....... 45 57 00 77 EuroAirA/S, Rødding, F-X ................................. 7484 2880 FAST AS, FF Trykluft, Egå, G ............................... 70 10 22 10 Filterteknik A/S, Karlslunde, F-G ....................... 56 13 10 72 FilTrade ApS a-vent a/s, Hadsund, F-X .................................... 96 52 25 22 abc Westcoast Tråd & Plader ApS, Esbjerg N, F G- X

Biometer International A/S, Odense NV .............. 66 16 42 42 Chempilots a/s, Farum ...........................................44 95 16 61 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Ørsted, Kgs. Lyngby ................................................................................ 45 25 38 00 Dicon A/S, Lystrup .................................................. 87 43 58 00 InnospeXion ApS, Hvalsø ....................................... 46 40 90 70 Medicon International Ltd. I A/S, Birkerød .......... 70 20 20 58 NKT Research & Innovation A/S, Birkerød .......... 43 48 39 50 Pas Technology A/S, Birkerød ............................... 45 82 64 80 Unizyme Laboratories A/S, Hørsholm ..................45 76 01 54 Industriel produktudvikling Se • Produktudvikling, industriel

Tlf. 98 57 52 00, Fax 98 57 50 25 E-mail: Web:

Speciale: Maskin og elektronikindustri kjærulff design

Kontrapunkt A/S, København K ............................. 33 93 18 83 Kontrapunkt Design ApS, København K ............... 33 93 18 83 Kiihl+co A/S, Frederiksberg C .............................. 33 26 31 00 Lauritzen Vilhelm AS, København K ..................... 32 69 90 00 Logo Paint ApS, Vejle, X ..................................... 76 40 13 00 Macvaerk A/S, København S ................................. 32 88 87 00 De Meco ApS, Glostrup .................. .". .................... 43 44 11 33 ■ Multisize Design & Development A/S, Vejen, X .............................................................................. 70 20 00 80 NØRGAARD TEKNIK A/S, Auning ......................... 87 86 90 90 Product Design, Rungsted Kyst ............................. 22 11 79 37 Projector A/S, Galten ............................................ 70 26 14 22 Rambøll Gruppen A/S, Virum, X ......................... 45 98 60 00 Ryeshøy & Co ApS, Lynge.................................... 70 22 20 61 Scandinavian Branding A/S, København 0, X .... 39 27 11 44 Schiitze Jørn ApS, Århus C .................................... 86 13 15 64 Structur Designkompetence A/S, Hvidovre ........ 70 27 29 01 The Supreme Holding ApS, Roskilde .................... 33 32 26 25 Thorup Torsten, Arkitekter M.A.A. MDD, København K ................................................................................33 11 42 22 3part A/S, Århus N ................................................. 86 13 40 14 Triex, Hvidovre ..................................................... 70 22 75 76

Industriel vedligeholdelse Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte

Agerkilde A/S, Viborg ...................................... 86 61 25 11 Birk El-Service ApS, Herning ................................ 97 12 66 35 Diamant Clean, Brabrand ..................................... 86 25 88 61 Fredericia Maskinmesterskole, Fredericia .......... 75 92 28 33 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Grenå, Grenaa ................................................................................ 86 32 00 88 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Herning, Herning ............................................................................... 9712 22 55 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Middelfart, Middelfart ............................................................................... 64 41 07 01 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ringe, Ringe . 63 62 15 27 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ålborg, Aalborg SØ .................................... ! .......................................... 96 . 33 10 90 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Århus, Brabrand ............................................................................... 7015 35 00 IBKAA/S Islevdalvej 119, 2610 Rødovre 70111 777, 70112 777

Industriel elektronik Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte

Cypax a/s, Karup J, G .......................................... 97101188 Danish Aerotech A/S, Karup J, F- S ..................... 99 62 62 62 DATA RESPONS A/S Hørkær 18,1., Postboks 746,2730 Herlev Tlf. 44 50 85 00, Fax 44 50 85 05 F

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Sofienlystvej 21, 8340 Malling Tlf. 70 26 10 33, Fax 70 26 11 33 E-mail: Web:


Eltronic A/S, Hedensted, F ................................... 76 74 01 01 Faxe-Orup Installationsforretning ApS, Fakse, S ................................................................................ 56 71 31 60 Flux A/S, Asnæs, F-X ............................................ 59 65 00 89 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Grenå, Grenaa, G ............................................................................... 86 32 00 88 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Herning, Herning, G ............................................................................... 9712 22 55 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Middelfart, Middelfart, G .......................................................................... 64 41 07 01 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ringe, Ringe, G ...............................................................................63 62 15 27 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Ålborg, Aalborg SØ, G ............................................................................... 96 3310 90 Grene Industri-service A/S, Center Århus, Brabrand, G ............................................................................... 7015 35 00

InnospeXion ApS, Hvalsø ...................................... 46 40 90 70 SIEMENS A/S Borupvang 3,2750 Ballerup Tlf. 44 77 44 77, Fax 44 77 44 88

• Filtervæv • Sigtedug • Filterbånd • Filterposer • Kammerfiltre • Trådnet, metal og kunststof • Mikroskoper

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SKF Danmark A/S Søndre Ringvej 55, 2605 Brøndby Tlf. 43 43 66 33, Fax 43 96 63 30 E-mail: Web:


FLS miljø a/s, Valby, F-X .... Frisenette ApS, Ebeltoft, F- G

361811 00 86 34 22 44

Vølund A & Søn A/S, Kalundborg .......................... 59 50 40 22




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