ner as the legends and lays of olden days owe their inspiration to these fantastical natura! for mations, so the iisland still lies as an inexhaustible 1 fairv kingdom which never fails to deliglit and enchant the thousandis of touriists who enter its domains. BORNHOLM Well out in the Baltic — yet reachable by sorne 7 or 8 hours sailing from Copenhagen — lies Den- mark’s most fanxous rock island Bornholm, often termed by enthusiastic tourists ” the pearl of the Baltic”, or, wihat perhaps hits it off still better, the more characteristic designation ” the Capri of the North” . The greater part of the iisland consiists of fertile arable land, wrhich lies 100 M over the level of the sea. Towamds the centre of the island the terrain rises reaching the greatest height, called "Rytterknægten” , 162 M. higih. It is surrounded by the partlv uncultivated tract called ” Iløjlyn - gen” in the centre of the exceptionally beautiful forest ” Almindingen ” . At different places in the woods the sheer rock projects in fantastic forma tions, whilst lakelets and bogs reflect the romantic surroundings; and in the mountain valleys (Ekkn- dalen) lie numerous castle ruins strewn amidst the beautiful beech and conifer patches. The is land possesses a wealth of old ruins, and is more- over of considerable archæological and botanical interest. Of all Bornholm’s interesting castle sites and ruins from the middle ages, that of Ham mershus on the northem point of the island de- serves particular mention. At this spot, where Bornholm’s wild nature culminates, the romantic wall-work of the old ruins merges with the na tural ooast wall producing an extraordinarily pic- tuiresque effeot in the wild rag ged ooast. It is also round the north west corner of the island and the whole of the rocky coast from Hammeren and Gudhjem to Svaneke, upon wbuich practically the whole of the toudist interest in Bornholm centres. Here there are literally rows of ihotels bearing wit- ness to the irresistible power o f attraction which these districts possess. FUNEN, the birthplace of H. C. Andersen. The island Funen is in many ways favoured before any other o f Denmark’s numerous islands and islets, both from the hand of nature and by reason of its many w^ell preserved cultural relics. No other part of the country possesses suoh a wealth of large manors and castles from the middle ages and the renaissance. One of the most remarkable architectural memorials friom the 160
BORNHOLM Midt ude i Østersøen — og dog til at naa paa kun 7—8 Timers Sejlads fra København — ligger Dan marks berømteste Klippeø, Bornholm, ofte af be gejstrede Turister kaldet »Østersøens Perle« eller, mere træffende karakteriseret, »Nordens Capri«. Størsteparten af Øen er frugtbart Agerland, der ligger gennemsnitligt 100 Meter over Havet. Hen- imod Øens Midte hæver Terrænet sig til den stør ste Hojde i »Rytterknægten«, der er 162 Meter. Den
Bornholm: »Løvehovederne«. — The »Lion heads«. — Les »Tétes de lion«. — Die »Lowenkopfe«.
ligger omgiven af » Højlyngen«s store, tildels uop dyrkede Flade midt i den ualmindelig pragtfulde Skov » Almindingen «. Rundt omkring i Skoven træder Klippegrunden frem i fantastiske Forma tioner, Indsøer og Moser spejler de romantiske Omgivelser, og i Fjelddalene (Ekkodalen) ligger talrige Borgruiner spredt mellem de skønne Bøge- og Naaletræsbevoksninger. — Øen er i det hele ta get rig paa Oldtidslevninger og af betydelig arkæo logisk og botanisk Interesse. Af alle Bornholms in teressante Voldsteder og Borgruiner fra Middelal deren fortjener navnlig Hammershus paa Øens Nordspids at fremhæves. Dens romantiske Mur masser indgaar her, hvor Bornholms Klippenatur kulminerer, som en overordentlig malerisk Effekt i det vilde, forrevne Kystbillede. Det er da ogsaa om dette nordligste Hjørne af Øen og hele Klippe- kysten fra Hammeren over Gudhjem til Svaneke, at saa godt som hele den turistmæssige Interesse
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