Kjøbenhavnske Efterretninger om lærde sager 1779_II
j^iø&cn^avttffc ripé-Efteurétitiitgec
Ve Mure-infpir’d ,■ lament »his end, W hp, Ilving, was the Mufcs’ fiicn d | ^ The'D iama’s lofs d e p l o r e T Where is alpiring fled? - In Ko/cw ’ grave , Macbeth lics dciåi ^ , And Hamlet is no more! • Ye fons of mirth and gallantry, V- r No more your fprightly Krt«igcr feel . Or admire; ) . . Lo lt wirth the archnefs of his eye, ^ Drwggcr and Lcow.brcathlefs lie, .> And Khely iball expire, W ith Shakefpeare's.^ve his breaft was fraught, Twas he emhodied Sbakefpears's thouglit t; Whcre tlie Bard’s fancy flew, . He caught the phrenzy in his eye, (Rolling from earth unto the Ik y ,) And grave the portrøit true. ©r. Jaffer ftar [amlet ubgivct nogle af fine ©cré unber føl* genbe J it e l:' * , Inftclfe veb ©abet. 3 ) A Poetical Encomium on Trade, tilegnet djanbclffaben ©riffel, ftvori forefomme nogle 3 fncfs botcr omCftattcrtott, og Svorvley’« øoem; ftvi« Jroeværbtg* fteb og 3 Elbc ijr , Jaffer forfvarcr. 4 ) En ©rafffrift over for. Ecclc«. The Maritime Campaign o f 1778. ' A Collefiion o f all the Papeis relative to the Operations o fth eE n g lilh and French Fleers. To which and added , Stricfuves on the Pulilicaiion made in France, by ordre of the M inilfry ,. concerning the Engagement on the 27tbo f Ju ly , ilfUltrated with Charts and Plans, on lix Cop- perplates. By J. M. a Lieutenant in theFleet, Folio 65, Faden. 1779. - 5 )lan ftar fter cn Unbcrftolbenbe og lærerig ©etragtning over næff Poem. By the Rev. W . Talker, A* B« 4to. 25. 6. d, Dodlley
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