
34 ipomii. fate! *prøwr 1837. Mørning, $Petru3, (2'7be 2 fptil 1835 L a u d .), .ipom. *Pr. 12te SWartS

for Spené S3iffop, Sept Sue. 1, 2 6 * 3 9 , ....................................Laudabilis jtatefctif? *Prøt>e famme Sag .................................................. H . illaud. Sbc 2fprtt foc 2iarl)ué 25ifEop, Sept M . 3, 17, . . . . . . . . . . Laudabilis Æatefetijf 9)røøe famme S a g .................................................. Laudabilis

$og, dacl / (lObe ''juli 1835 L a ud .), $om .

3 )ebetfen, 9)eber, (19'oe 'januar 1836 L au d .), #om .$ r . 24be Secbr. foe gpenS S3if?op, Sept 'jol). 1 , 1 9 *2 9 ,

. . . . . Laudabilis

Æatefetijf 9)røoe famme Sag

. . . . . . . . . Laudabilis

‘jørgenfen, 9iifolaj .¡penrif, (2ben SD?aj 1836 H . illa u d .), #om . *Pr.

13be,September .fot 9iibe. SSijfop, Sept gpb. 3 , 13*21, H . illaud. ^atefetiff *Prøøe famme S a g ....................................................H . illaud.

@ed)ec, 5fnf. ‘Jørgen, (4be SD?aj 1836 N . eont.), .ipom. ^ t, 8 be 'juni foc 2 ia rM S ijïo p , Sept ‘jot). 3 , 16, . . . . .

. Laudabilis

tfrttebetif? ^)tøoe famme

Sag. . . . . . . . . . Laudabilis

Sunb, greberif Q3ilt)elm, (5te Srøaj 1836 H . illaud.), .ipom. ipr. lObe Secembet fot'gpenê S ijïo p , Sept 9îom. 15, 4*10, .

. Laudabilis

Æatefettff $røoe famme

S a g ..................................................Laudabilis

2iému3fen, ^etec Gtytijîian, (9be SDîaj 1836 H . illa u d .), Jpom. ^>r.

4be gebcuat fot 9îibe 23ij?op, Sept $& il. 2 , 5 * 11 , . . V ix L aud. Æatefetijf 9)røøe fammc Sag. . . . . . . . . H . illaud.

SSladf), 9?. Støollerup, (lObe Sftaj 1836 N . c o n t.), Jpom. ^)r. 2ben 2fug. foc 2farf)uS SSijïop, Sept ipf)il. 4, 6*7, . . . . ^)øgt),: G>arf Støagnué di)nfl£an, ( 8 be ‘Juli 1836 H . illaud.), Jpom. $ r. 2ben 'ju li foc gpenÿ SBijfop, Sept W la ttî). 5 , 20*27,

H . illaud. ^atefctifg ^cøoe famme S a g ............................................ . H . illaud.

. Laudabilis Æatefetif! «prøoe famme Sag . . . . ............................... Laudabilis

‘jørgenfen, îauritê ,«Peter, (Ilt e 'ju li 1836 H . illaud.), .ipom. «pr.

23be îiugujï fot 2farf>ué! S3tfïop, Sept (*pf). 2 , 8 * 10 , . V ix L aud. .ftatefetiffi $)røt>e famme S a g ................................ ...... V ix Laud. 12 te 'ju li fot SSiffoppen oocr m og 2Grø, S . ‘jac. 1, 2 7 Laudabilis Hatefetijï ^tøoe famme S ag ............................... Laudabilis «Pr. 24be øeptb. fo r-gpenê «Bifbop, Sept 1 .ftor. 1 , 4 * 9 , H . illaud. ^atefetiff ^)tøoe famme S ag . . . . . . . . . H . illaud. «Pr. 14be 'Sfuli fot gpené «Biffop, Sept 9îom. 8 , 12*18, Laudabilis .ftatefetiff «Prøoe famme Sag ............................................. H . illaud.

@d)tt>enfen, (Sfjrijlian (5. 2iitgu(î, (16be 9?oo. 1836 L a ud .), jpom. «Pr.

©raae, ©umme (5f)tiflian, (17be 91ooembet 1836 H . illaud.), .ipom.

ipolm , ‘Jafob Suboig gerbinanb, (18be 9Î0». 1836 H . illa u d .), .ipom. ■ ■

.ftatefetiff «prøoe alene: SBaggefen, 9îaëmu§

tobet for gpenS SSiffop - , ............................................................... Laudabilis

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