§omil. tcitcl. prøver 1837.
Haalunb, Haêpar (5t*nfl, (lfïc SDÎaj 1832 H . illaud.) 6 te januar, Sept
S02attf). 5, 11*12 ((c 5te 'januar 1 8 3 5 ) .............................H . illaud.
© Ir if, *Jøtgen genger, (lfîc 9?o»embet 1832 L a u d .) 13be 7>uli, Sept 2uc. 1 6 , 1 9 * 3 1 , ............................. ^3^i|ïct, 2fnbccaå gerbinanb, (18be 2ipril 1831 H . illaud.) 18bc ©e;
cember, Sept l.S b tm . 4, 8 , . . . . ........................H .illa u d . 1 'job- 1 , 5 * 7 , .......................................................................... * . Laudabilis
Sïïafcen, Tiugufl, (23be ©ftober 1835 H . illaud.) 25be ja n u a r, Sept
SSagtmann, 9îietë ‘joban, (14be janu ar 1336 L aud .) 5te ‘ju li, Sept
S02attb* 18, 7*11, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H . illaud.
Süotm,Sïïogené 9îielfen,
(3bie SOîaj 1836 Laud.) 23be ©ftober, Sept
2 Hor. 6 , 14*18,
....................... H . illaud.
Safjer, 23ilf)elm dbtifHan, (7be Sftaj 1836 H . illaud.) 25be gebruar, Sept x\ct. 5 , 29 *3 2 , 2)?oi)r, 'joban greberi?, ( 6 te 'ju li 1836 H . illaud.) 24be 9?o»., Sept Sftøller, ‘joafim dbrifiian, (26be 9?o»embet 1836 H . illaud.) 17be 9?o; »embet, Sept 9îom. 12 , 4 * 5 , ............................ Jpentiffen, '¿foban ^penrif, ( 8 be SSftaj 1837 H . illaud.) 18be december, Sept ‘job. 3 , 1 6 , Hatefetiff 9)rø»e alene: ©labn, Jpenrif dbtifioffcr, (13be 'januar 1835 L aud.) 18be ^uni, ^rue Hicfe ............................................ Laudabilis SSruun, Jpenrif © ., (28be 2fpril 1835 Laud.) 25be 'ju li, ©antifoni H. Laudabilis ........................................................ H . illaud. € 0 îattf). 19, 1 6 * 2 6 , .........................................................................* Laudabilis Laudabilis Laudabilis
g o r 25 i ff opp ernc t $ 5 t o » i nb f e r n e :
gebn, 9i. db-/ (14be 'ju li 1829 N . cont.), #om .
fat $P*n$ Sbi*
ff op, Sept 'job- 16, 2 3 *2 8 , Laudabilis Hatefetiff ^røoe famme ©ag . . . . . . . . . H . illaud. L aud .), Jpom. ^)r. 18be ©ept. for 23iborg 33., S . Hot. 1 , 1*3 Laudabilis Hatefetiff $rø»e famme © a g .................................................. Laudabilis
Setb/ % 9 ifu§. gabriciué, tfbjunft »eb SSiborg ©fole, (lfle 9?o»b. 1832
59?øller, ‘jobanneé ©ottbilf, (30te © ft. 1833 Laud.), f?om. fPt. 22be ‘januar for gpentf 33iffop, Sept Sftattb. 2 0 , 1*7,
. . Laudabilis
Hatefetiff ^)rø»e famme ©ag
91ielfen, 2fnber$ £anfen, 2fbjunft »eb Aalborg ©fole, (16be 2fprit 1834
Laud.), $om . fPr. 21 be 2ipril for 2lalborg 33., S . d f. 55, 6*7, Laudabilis Hatefetiff $)rø»e 12te ' j u l i ............................................ Laudabilis
Spngbp, . Laudabilis Hatefetiff ^tø»e famme © a g ............................................ . Laudabilis 33otbroe, dcefar Tiuguft, (15be 'jan. 1835 H . illaud.), -£)om. fPr. 19be 9io»ember for gpcné 33iffop, Sept SWattb- 11/ 25-fin. . Laudabilis Hatefetiff fPrø»e famme ©ag . ♦ H . illaud. 3
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