On the voyage between Hammerfest and Vadso the vessels will touch at Gjaesvaer, about two miles from the North Cape, and at Stanginaes, at the mouth of the Tang Fiord, as well as at other interm ediate places. Office, 6 Nyhavn.
T o E lsinore:
F rom Elsinore'.
T h e "H am let.”
D aily, 8 a. m .
D aily, 4 7 a p. m.
T h e "O phelia.”
D aily, 5 p. m. D aily, 7 a. m. Calling at Bellevue, Vedbek, R ongsted, and Humlebek. Office, 40 Quaesthuusgade.
T o From Faaborg & Kolding: Kolding & Faaborg: The "Zephyr.” T ues. 5Va a. m. W ed. 12. Noon. Th. o a . m. F rom Faaborg & Apenrade: Apenrade & Faaborg : T h e "Z ep h y r." S atur. 5 7 a a. m. Sun. 1 p. m. Mon. 5 a. m. Calling at Rudkiøbing, Svendborg, Assens, Middelfart, Snoghøi, and Fredericia. Office, 190 Bredgade. T o
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