From Christiania:
To Christiania:
The "Nordcap.”
Wednes. 1 p. m.
Satur. 7 a m .
Calling at E lsinore, Gothcnborg, Vall 0 , Moss, Horten, Holmestrand, and Drobak. From Sandosund passengers can be forwarded by the Steamer “ C onstitutionen” to Christiansand , whence the Steamer goes every Tuesday to Bergen. From and after the commencement o f April until the end of October there will be a steam -packet communication every week during the present year along the Norwegian coast, between Christiania, Christiansand, and Bergen. Steam -vessels will run every alternate week after the beginning of April between Bergen and Trondjhem , and Trom so, Hamm erfest, Vardo, and Vadso, in Finmark, the entire route being performed during the summer months in 17 days for the voyage up , and 17 days for the voyage down. The steam -vessels will leave Bergen for Hammerfest and Vadso on the 4th. and 22d. April, the 6th. and 20th. May, 3d. and 17th. June, 1st. 15th. and 29th. Jnly, and 12th. August: and for Hammerfest on the 26th. August, 9th. and 29th. Septem ber: returning from Vadso for Vardo, Ham merfest, and Trom so, on the 27th. April, 11th. and 25th. May, 8th. and 22d. June, 6th. and 24th. July, 3d. 17th. and 31st. August. From Hammerfest the steamers will depart on their southern route on the 19th. April, 4th. and 18th. May, 1st. 15th. and 29th. June, 13th. and 27th. July, 10th. and 20th. August, 8th. and 23d. September, and 15th. October.
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