17 (Gothic St.) conducts from the N ø r revold to K ongens N y to rv , w h ere it jo in s Store Kongensgade (G reat K ing St.) w hich leads to the Ø ste rp o rt. Store Kiøbmagergade (G reat T rad in g St.) leads by w ay o f Lille Kiobmagergade across K u lto rv e t, and Frederiksborggade to the N ø r rep ort. T h e ch ief public S q u ares and P laces a re : 1) Amalienborg Plads or Frederiks P la d s , a han d som e octagon form ed b y four palaces o f u n ifo rm size and design. In its centre is the eq u estrian statue o f F re d e rik V. 2) St. Annce Plads or Garnisons P lads . 3) Kongens Nytorv, (T he K in g ’s New M arket) an irreg u lar sq uare and the larg e st in C openhagen. A n u nsigh tly equestrian statu e o f C hristian V ., rem ark ab le only for its siz e , stan ds in the centre. 4) Amagertorv and Høibroplads , m ark e ts for v e g etab le s, fru it, an d fish. 5) Gammeltorv and Nytorv, (Old and New M arket) w hich are in o n e , are m ark ets for field- produce, poultry, seed, and m eat. A sm all fountain play s in the m iddle. 6) Ku ltorv , w here tu rf or p e at is s o ld , in the neig hbo urho od o f N ørrepo rt. 7) Graabrødretorv (G rey F ria rs M arket) in w hich new sham bles h av e been erected. 8) Slotsplads , (Palace Place) on w hich stand C hristiansborg P alace, the C hapel R oyal, the E xchange, an d the so-called 2
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