T h e T ow n, w hich w as form erly divided into th ree p rin cip al districts — the Old T o w n , or W este rn q u a rte r; the New T o w n , or N o rth -ea ste rn q u arter, added in C hristian IV .’s tim e ; an d C h ristian sh av n — is now separated into 12 q u arters or 9 p arishes. It contains 2 5 8 Streets, 17 S q uares or P la c e s , and 3 5 0 0 h o u se s, excepting the N avy q u arter and the B arracks. T h e 4 E ntrances to the town by lan d are by the E ast, N orth, W est, and A m ager G ates, w hich rem ain open th ro u g h o u t the n ig h t; bu t a fte r 12 o’clock th ere is a charge for each person o f 2" Skillings. Starting from the N. E. part of the town: the principal Streets are Bredgade (Broad St.) or Norgesgade 3 extending from the Toldbodvei to Kongens N ytorv; Amaliegade, (parallel with Bredgade) divided by the Amalienborg P lads; Østergade (East St.) which leads from Kongens Nytorv to Am agertorv; whence Vimmelskaftet stretches to Gammeltorv, Frederiksberggade, and the Vesterport. In the N. W . part o f the town
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