

w ith 2 — 3 0 0 loom s is the largest. S ta h l in Gam - m elstran d, and Mendel in Borgergade have also considerable Calico works. — Kiøng’s Factory in the neighbourhood o f Vordingborg, but having also a place o f sale in In teg ad e, and Kiehne’s factory on the Nørrebro produce fair linen goods. — brem sen's Shaw l-factory, and Warburg’s Stocking- factory, also deserve notice. Of these Copenhagen possesses several o f som e impor­ tance. Baumgarteri’s and Burmeister’s Machine Establishm ents, Metal and Iron F oundry, in Chris­ tianshavn, are extensive. About 2 0 0 workmen are em p lo y ed , and a vast number o f Machines of the best and most appropriate construction are here produced. The high character which this esta­ blishment enjoys is proved by its being the first Danish house that has delivered a steam -engine for a (small) Government Steamer. Gamst and L und ’s Machine Works and B e ll F ound ry 3 on the Vestervold, which employ a large number o f work­ m en, is also of som e note: also Caspersen and Sons Establishment in Christianshavn for Anchors and chains, &c. Eickho/J “ in N y h a v n , and L in d in N y-V estergade deserve notice for their Printing- presses and other mechanical works. Andersen’s M ask invæ rk steder, Machine Works.

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