w ith 2 — 3 0 0 loom s is the largest. S ta h l in Gam - m elstran d, and Mendel in Borgergade have also considerable Calico works. — Kiøng’s Factory in the neighbourhood o f Vordingborg, but having also a place o f sale in In teg ad e, and Kiehne’s factory on the Nørrebro produce fair linen goods. — brem sen's Shaw l-factory, and Warburg’s Stocking- factory, also deserve notice. Of these Copenhagen possesses several o f som e impor tance. Baumgarteri’s and Burmeister’s Machine Establishm ents, Metal and Iron F oundry, in Chris tianshavn, are extensive. About 2 0 0 workmen are em p lo y ed , and a vast number o f Machines of the best and most appropriate construction are here produced. The high character which this esta blishment enjoys is proved by its being the first Danish house that has delivered a steam -engine for a (small) Government Steamer. Gamst and L und ’s Machine Works and B e ll F ound ry 3 on the Vestervold, which employ a large number o f work m en, is also of som e note: also Caspersen and Sons Establishment in Christianshavn for Anchors and chains, &c. Eickho/J “ in N y h a v n , and L in d in N y-V estergade deserve notice for their Printing- presses and other mechanical works. Andersen’s M ask invæ rk steder, Machine Works.
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