high degree laboured for the advancem ent o f N ative Industry.
Den Kyi. Porcellains F ab rik , o r , The Royal China Factory 3 a Government E stablish ment, Nr. 3 , Store K iob magergade. This Factory possesses a large and alm ost inexhaustible supply o f fine porcelain clay in the island o f Bornholm . A s is incident, how ever, to most factories maintained at the expense o f the Crown', it has not hitherto been in a prosperous state. Its staple production consists o f D inner and T ea Services o f blue and white, and red and white, but plain and antiquated, patterns. The painted Vases and opaque china (termed Biscuit) Figures o f the works o f Thorvaldsen are, how ever, excellent, and draw a great number o f English travellers to this R oyal Establishment. Klædefabrikerne, The Cloth Factories , on the largest scale, are some distance from the capital, viz, Modeveg’s at B r e d e , and the one on Go vernment account at U ssero d , which are chiefly occupied in m aking cloth for the Army. Dickmeis’s Cloth Factory on the Nørrebro is also rising in importance. Tøifabriker , or, Calico Factories. ,/. Sa - lomonsen’s Steam w eaving establishm ent in Nyhavn,
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