who has not a Certificate of liis skill granted him by the Professor of this establishment.
Wartou or the Hospital of the Holy Ghost is situated at the corner of Farvegade and the West-wall. It was founded in 1475; about 412 persons of both sexes enjoy free lodging, firing, and a small weekly stipend. To this Hospital is attached a Church. The Hospital of Abel Catherine is situated in Dronningens Tvcrgadc. It was founded in 1075 by Abel Catherine who was of the ancient noble fa mily of Van dcr W isch, and first lady of the household to the Queen Dowager Sophia Amalia. Twenty three aged females are supported by the bounty of the foundress, each of them occupying a small room , to which is attached a kitchen and pantry, and enjoying a weekly allowance of 1*/2 Danish dollars. Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Is indebted much to the humanity of His present Ma- jesty , for his great public attention to the afflictions of those admitted into this charitable institution. H is Iloyal Munificence has bestowed on this noble establishment a fine building situate Nr. 199 Storm Gade, where 70 boys and 50 girls are educated, clothed and have every comfort that a public asylum-can bestow.
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